Thursday 5 October 2017

mario 3 no touch challenge part 8 - whelp, there's your problem


Arin appears before the video with Jacksepticeye to announce dates for the European tour! Woo! It includes Ireland too! Yeah! Also, wow Jacksepticeye's got great comic timing :) "Go buy tickets. If you don't, a child dies" he says. Wahahahahahah

Also wow, the "Hey I'm Grump" theme song is muted. I don't think that ever happened before :O

Arin and Danny try not to kick blocks into Koopa shells.

That "I'M A MAN! I'M 40!" Mike Gundy clip is pretty funny alright :) Can't wait until Danny's old enough to say it!

"whelp" isn't dumb... come on... Danny rants about some memey stuff like people saying some trendy words. He's not that annoyed by it really but them both getting worked up about it is funny :)

They're finally at the end of world 3! Woo :)

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