Wednesday 25 October 2017

leisure suit larry mcl part 12 - improv singing to drown out copyrighted music


Danny and Arin run after squirrels before doing the Swingles event with Uma.

They have to have a dance off with Analisa but it's copyrighted music! They sing over the music so they don't get a strike! Good of the editors to put different music over it :)

Then that scary talking head appears again to talk about other girls.

They're right, the writing in this game can be pretty good :)

Then it's more trampolining but more copyrighted music! They put in more improvised lyrics to sing over it! It's a longer mini game so it's a real struggle to come up with rhymes after a while!

Lots of covering up edits in this episode too. More than usual. They comment on what's covered up too so that makes you wonder what's going on! Ah well :) gotta play it safe I suppose.

Real Analisa does have a 90s pop star album cover look. That look did carry on into the 2000s a bit alright.

They don't have to cover up the Larry Lovage loading screen though! Oh well!

Heyyy! Nice Homestar Runner reference there with "The System Is Down" :)

Yikes Luba. All that drinking and talk about stuff she did. Yeesh!

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