Saturday 23 April 2016

Dark Souls III Part 17 - Cool Swamp Adventures and Amazing Views


Arin appears before the video in another of these mysterious skits! This time it's a lovely motivational thing where he says he'll beat our naysayers with that plastic bat he still has. Funny and lovely to hear the life affirming things too!

Arin and Danny freak out at this huge thing chasing them through the swamp and shooting flaming skulls at them. Areas like this make this game freaking cool! They easily dispatch of the lanky guy from the last episode by throwing flaming things at him. All those nasty little death enemies too.

They climb a ladder, join a wolf's covenant and check out some cool views. It's really gorgeous and more colourful than Bloodborne. Nice that there's these little guys to chase for extra bonus stuff. They're like Metal Slimes are they?

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