Tuesday 26 April 2016

Dark Souls III Part 20 - Post Guest Grumps Session

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5fK_ipRlf4

Arin and Danny begin their 14th episode of the day after a long day of recording. Steve O was a great guest and Rob Schneider is gonna be on soon? Wow!

Yeah they normally do 14 episode sessions that go on into the night don't they? I find myself doing lots of blogs in a session sometimes!

That's an awesome thing Rob Schneider said to them... They talk a little bit about their experience with their guests and how much they loved having them!

They're up against some highly competent opponents in this episode... There's a lot of rolling around going on. Is this how Dark Souls is normally played? I suppose it's similar to how the dodge move is used in the IGAvania Castlevania games.

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