Thursday 21 April 2016

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 40 - Cheating, Evil and Meat


Arin appears before the video to say don't do drugs or he'll beat the crap out of you. It's Grump All-Stars To The Rescue! What's with these quirky little skits? Are there more of them on the way? Must keep watching! Maybe... find... out!

Arin and Danny talk about naps and getting weird e-mails. My generation! :)

They talk a bit about cheating too. I've never done it and it's interesting to hear Danny talk about it and his life experience.

They get a bit deep and talk about evil. Zelda playthroughs do seem to be ones where they get deep! Something about Zelda games alright make you think in depth about things while you play.

When something bad is happening to you, it's very difficult to perceive it as anything but evil. What's going on behind this bad thing happening may not be evil, but you still have to deal with this bad thing happening to you.

They face the dancing puppet fire bomb mini-boss thing. I never use the hookshot on it! I always threw bombs at it! Now that I know that I can, I think I'll prefer to use the hookshot like they just did!

Arin makes an excellent point about good vs evil in western storytelling due to it being combative.

The conversation about meats is interesting! I don't like poultry, but I do like pork and venison!

I like the way Danny brings it full circle by saying the guy that offered him rabbit to eat made it look like a rabbit and that he was evil for doing so! Also, Arin badly needs some Keese repellent!

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