Thursday 28 April 2016

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 45 - Kool Part


Arin and Danny try to get a reaction out of Banooru with every song they can think of. Thankfully, they find the solution in a walkthrough. It's funny seeing Epona showing up and day turning into night and everything else except what Arin wants to happen!

They then have a discussion about Epona's carrots and the general subject of "cooldown". As for me, I never found an example of cooldown in a game that I like.

I love that Kool-Aid joke!

Arin talks a little about the Sequelitis Zelda episode.

They make some good progress in the Ice Cavern. I remember being stuck for ages first time around because I didn't put it together that you had to put the blue flame in a bottle.

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