Sunday 24 April 2016

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 43 - Hair and Friendship


Arin and Danny fight Volvagia again. Danny likes the way he holds his head like Godzilla used to do in the 70s Godzilla movies :)

Arin says he has trouble remembering the bosses, even though he played this game through a few times. I'm not sure how many times I've played this game through completely, but it's almost certainly in the double digits. I remember them all. The newer Zeldas I sometimes forget the bosses alright.

I like those two New Jersey guys talking about Pokémon! They sound funny :)

Holy cow I didn't know arrows could work on him! Learning something new all the time about this game! The targetting doesn't really encourage it though, so maybe that's why I never bothered with it.

Arin and Danny have a touching moment where Danny's all flattered for Arin liking his face and liking younger and more innocent times. Wow, now I'm trying to imagine Brian with a black beard! His grey one is awesome though.

So Arin was hungry and had to go for a pee too? Actually, that's how I always feel when I finish a Zelda dungeon as well. Some of them can take about 2 hours! In Twilight Princess anyway. The time melts away and you then remember you have to go to the bathroom and have lunch when you beat the boss. I hope Arin has a break after this! Not to sound like an in-game break reminder or anything!

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