Sunday 17 April 2016

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 37 - Ain't The Sharpest Goron In The Shed


Arin and Danny figure out what to do next. They travel back to the future. Danny wonders about any other examples of a game character that changes throughout the game as you play. I have an example of this actually: The hero from Dragon Quest V. You start as a little boy and you then play at a later stage where you're a man. There are a few other examples I can think of, but this may be the most relevant.

Then they have to bomb that Goron who rolls around the Goron City. I was cringing at this because I remember how it takes forever for me to get him every time I do a playthrough. Arin though, once he finds him, manages it almost straight away! On his very last bomb too! WOW!

The conversation with Slurmp the Goron is hilarious when Danny says he looks like the lead singer of Smash Mouth! The pronunciation of Volvagia is brilliant too!

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