Tuesday 19 April 2016

Would You Rather? Part 2 - Best of Buds!

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksBrTagHcGM

Suzy and Pamela answer the Tabasco and mint question. I saw a bit of Pamela's Hot Pepper Gaming video. Yikes! I agree with Pamela and Suzy on this one! I agree with the Pokémon one too!

I would like to be a superb writer too! Can you imagine? :)

I think I'd rather dress like royalty. Not sure though. Pimp sounds good too.

I would rather have 150 dollars in quarters. Yup.

I would like Night vision too.

For the rest of the video Suzy and Pamela talk like the best of buds :) it's so nice to see!

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