Monday 25 April 2016

Game of Thrones & Mario Kart with Special Guest Jacob Anderson


Arin and Danny have Jacob Anderson for Guest Grumps! They start by having fun with accents!

They start with a Game of Thrones game. I am completely ignorant in all things Game of Thrones so I just like the commentary rather than the game itself. It's a good thing it still manages to be entertaining :)

That story is brilliant about being tricked into watching Mortal Kombat!

It's so sweet to hear stuff about people bonding over Deadpool :)

The old bearded guy looks like Anthony Hopkins.

Eventually they get bored and try to break the game and make funny stuff happen.

They jump cut to Mario Kart 64 at the 25 minute mark. You're welcome :)

Eenie Meany Miney Mo is hilarious by them!

Oh cool, they gave him a Grump face and all!

Wow, I didn't know they don't know the word "Pram" in the U.S.... interesting.

OMG his N64 got stolen? That's an awful thing to happen :(

I wonder how he finds the extra speed of the U.S. version of Mario Kart 64...

Wow, all those swears that Americans don't say :)  and yes I agree wholeheartedly. Americans sound so weird when they say uh... the C word. I'd go so far to say that British people don't even say it as well as Irish people do. I may have said this before!

What better way to end this video than with a regional Wii joke as well :) perfection!

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