Thursday 14 April 2016

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 34 - Avidan's List


Arin and Danny arrange to watch some Godzilla films together. I am so freaking jealous right now! They also make a Kung Pow reference with the word "Badong".

While speaking of movies they talk about Schindler's List and Tiny Toon Adventures and Animaniacs. Danny talks about Schindler's List and it's really sweet to hear him talk about it. I've never actually seen it myself. I ought to someday.

Caddyshack II as well. Danny talks about the film and the music in it. They talk about it being a depressing movie. I wanna add that it's not as depressing as the likes of Weekend at Bernie's II!

They get to the boss of the Forest Temple and beat the boss easily. Nice one Arin!

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