Thursday 7 April 2016

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 27 - Deceases Pieces


Arin and Danny start the race with the ghostly Dampé. I love the Reese's Pieces joke :)

Then they meet the windmill guy who talks about the song that hasn't been played yet that ruined the windmill. They talk about a time loop and Danny makes a reference to Bruce Willis in Looper not wanting to explain the time travel thing. I freaking LOVE that moment! I love that movie too! SO much!

By the way, they forgot to learn the song! Gah! They also forgot to cheer up the pocket cucco. Danny was saying he laughed to himself at 3am in the morning because he remembered a funny line they had in another playthrough. I love remembering jokes in the middle of the night! Laughing myself awake. It's great :D

They go into Lon Lon Ranch at this weird point where it's still bright, but the night version of the area is there! It's kind of surreal!

They eventually get Epona and ride her across Hyrule Field! Yay!

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