Saturday 23 April 2016

Superhot Part 2 - Bands, Impressions and Humble Bragging


Barry and Brian continue jumping through the DOS matrix thingy. More tasty little bits of exposition too. Yay!

Brian talks about his three prong relationship thingy that he lives by. Kind of interesting and there may be good wisdom in it.

"You expect me to believe that there's a British band whose music is slow and moody?". Classic Brian! :)

I'm afraid I don't know about this Elbow band either Barry. I only know Devo from the Chef Aid South Park album with the song Huboon Stomp.

Wow that poor guy who only wanted to take a dump. Imagine running for the toilet and someone comes along and punches you in the face? Not a good day to have.

Haha "TIME GENTLEMEN PLEASE". Nice choice of phrase there :)

I love the humble bragging and the famous people impressions! Nice way to end the video with the car crash too. Very fun video :)

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