Saturday 23 April 2016

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 42 - Mailbag Gaming, Game Grumps Precursor Story


Arin and Danny have story time. "Mailbag Gaming"?! Wow! I'm glad we have the current name of the show! Also, Jon isn't the original Not So Grump? Mind is blowing all over the place here... but no, it was just a test thing.

Danny talks about his nervousness in starting and it's so sweet of him. I remember those first episodes well and I remember being really confused and surprised. Also very sad that Jon was gone, but I was always very open to Ross and Danny. Then in no time at all, those guys just made me fall in love with them and cemented my belief that Game Grumps is always full of amazing talent. They're still awesome to this day and I'm so glad to have them! Jon continues to be an amazing talent and I love writing about his stuff too. I never had hatred for Danny :) so sweet to hear that Jon texted him and told him he couldn't have had a better person to pass the torch to. Aww!

By the way, Arin's getting his butt handed to him by Volvagia.... that little impy boss from before takes so many hits too.

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