Tuesday 30 August 2016


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGPviQuAOEU

Barry and Suzy take on this underwater adventure. The thumbnail for this series has a cool blue stained glass effect.

Ah nice and bright graphics. The fish don't look freaky either!

Neat! That little fish that tags along with them is just like an option in Gradius :)

Another one joins and Suzy names them Flotsam and Jetsam. I didn't know the reference so I looked it up and they're characters in The Little Mermaid. Never watched it...

After a while the colour goes and things get all mysterious. Barry teases about it here which is pretty funny :) Arin often does this with Danny!

It's a nice cliffhanger with this cool mysterious Atlantis like structure showing up.

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