Sunday 28 August 2016



Ross and Jimmy go on to the next stage, Pepsi City! Another very hard stage with lots of devastation and dead bodies everywhere(at least I think they're dead) and inverted controls when the bin is on Pepsi Man's head.

Brian's face flashes briefly on the screen! Had to stop and go back a few times to confirm it!

Jimmy talks about using smartphone dating apps. Interesting stuff. I've never used those. I know well about those reservations, meeting with strangers and stuff. Eek! Ross does a nice impression of a bad stranger, a Freddy Krueger who loves Pokémon GO! Haha :)

Ross is handling this level pretty well and taking the difficult parts in his stride. Failing isn't causing mental anguish so that's nice :)

Well, not raging on the same scale as he did with the last level.

Guys don't queef Jimmy!

Jimmy has a go as well and it proves too painful so it's back to Ross. Not that it's easy for him so he has Jimmy tell a story to help him cope with the difficulty. It's a toasted bagel story and getting the wrong order all because you don't understand what the other person is saying. That is the stuff of first world nightmares :(

After a while the pain comes back even more.

The game really doesn't look that difficult when you watch a longplay of it but now I really understand how difficult it could actually be.

Sonic Dash, a similar type of game, is pretty hard and much more unfair than this game looks, but this game looks really hard when I see them play it.

That thing with the two trucks catches them so much. It's on a bend too and with the inverted controls it can't be a nice thing to handle!

Eventually they get past it again. In the final stretch, panic sets in and every possible bad thing happens, including running out of time just before the end! They finally make it though and it's just such a beautiful thing :)

Oh those no PS1 memory card blues! I know them so well! Missing ones, full ones, third party ones... I've experienced every possible dilemma!

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