Sunday 28 August 2016



Danny takes the reins from Arin! It's been too long since he experienced the pain. The thumbnail has DAN PLAYS inscribed on it but the Grump faces don't look any different.

Oh... so that's what the fine print says!

Danny continues "mnon?" by a Japanese person. He does a good job and does the twirly jump thing in the air! Arin has a "what's the deal" kind of discussion about Twitter hashtags.

After completing the stage, they move on to "Short Muncher" by Sina.

Whoa, pipes hidden in pipes!

What happened to Mario with that sound effect when he fell down the hole? There seems to be a few of these that happen randomly!

Paleo diet sounds interesting. Glad it's working out for Arin :) wonder what coconut ice cream is like? If it's made from the milk it might be nice to try out. I've never tasted coconut milk either.

Danny passes it back to Arin. Maybe that logo should disappear now? They talk a bit about Taylor Swift and about themselves and rumours about famous people that make them out to be mean. Those YouTube views she has in the billions are astounding and awesome :)

I loved that scene in Funny People with Eminem! Best thing he's ever done!

But yeah. we can all appreciate the changing of minds thing a bit more I suppose.

Control is back to Danny now. Wow that path back with the POW block is pretty treacherous!

It's not the end of the level though! Just a checkpoint! More to come!

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