Thursday 25 August 2016



Arin and Danny continue "Three and a Half Puzzles" by conformist.

They talk about compliments received from girls. They're always awesome and not plentiful enough in my opinion!

They move on to "Boss Rush" by RubberRoss... and quickly pass on! They don't want to do it again. It's very possible to stumble across Ross' levels because they're rated so highly.

They escape to "not so easy" by Lupin. Arin is drawn in by the implied taunt!

Aw... that's so sweet to hear about Danny's childhood friend! I know exactly what he means about having that crush and not knowing what to do so you just do silly stunts! Such a bittersweet thing to hear about...

The level is not so difficult after all and they finish and move on to "Mushroom adventure //Speedrun" by Miku90. Quite devilish to put fast conveyor belts behind the pipes!

They talk more about crushes and being eight years old and having crushes. Arrghhhh it's all so true and relatable!

They beat the level and move on to "Ghostie 4 ever! ver2" by Sina. Curious level with lots of portals and doors. If it is an Undertale thing then that must be Flowey they met along the way, made out of a vine and a spiny and the cloud smiley face too.

I wonder if they can gently lay down the POW block so they can get through the door...

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