Saturday 20 August 2016



Interview no. 3 in this series! This time it's one of the original Grumps being interviewed by one of the newest! Arin's a little shy at first but Brian helps him to open up :)

They talk a bit about interviews and how the same questions get asked again and again. I kinda know from watching multiple interviews with people I like as a fan. It must get old alright... actually I remember there was a video making fun of Vin Diesel answering the same way in loads of promotional interviews for his latest movie at the time. Promo stuff must be a wearing experience.

I remember Muppet Babies vaguely! But yeah, Arin loved flip books and animated stuff that way at first. He also taught himself claymation and he goes in depth about it. It's really fascinating and worth listening in!

He even did live readings of these claymation videos because he didn't know how to dub at the time. That's like some silent film thing right there where they had to play music live to the projection!

Arin talks about his discovery of parody and listening to comedy downloads on Napster when he was growing up. Also about making stuff like Dragon Ball Z in a nutshell and putting it out there and the way it was a breakthrough in itself.

Then there was his time on Newgrounds where he got really popular then too. He talks about the origin of the Egoraptor handle and the related character he had.

He talks about what he was like in high school and the way he can be energetic but also quiet.

He talks about struggling with his own happiness and doing animation and trying to be his own person... good amount of stuff here.

He talks about his time on doing animations and parodies for MTV and lots of grown up stuff like getting paid and doing taxes and stuff.

I remember he mentioned he was going to sell his cartoons on DVD at one point.

They have a great discussion about financial success and "it's all about the art, man" and the kind of conflict that is ever present there. They also talk about how important that making a living is too and how it enables loved ones to be able to live their lives. Some very important things there.

I love the discussion they have about cartoons and anime Arin watched when he was growing up. :)

It's lovely the part where Arin talked about meeting Jon and about them hanging out together for ages before creating Game Grumps and about them admiring stuff in each other. I can see why of course because they're both highly talented, as are all the Grumps really.

Aw I remember Jon's Malkovich game show! Also it's pretty interesting to hear about Arin's initial rough start with getting to know Barry!

Wow, so more about the Fox and Wolf clone argument! Also, the way it was one of the major things that inspired Game Grumps in the first place!

I remember that old tweet Arin made about Let's Plays and when it was dug up for the subreddit (I think). How times change! XD

Very interesting to hear about the initial stages of Game Grumps. I experienced Game Grumps from the very beginning because I discovered the JonTron channel during the same summer and I was marathoning his videos. One of the things I remember from the early days is their Twitter link having a picture of the blue bird with a grumpy expression!

That's excellent advice at the end about starting your work. Just to do it. I can relate with just deciding to start blogging. Weighing up all the reasons... but then ahh... just get to doing it already!

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