Wednesday 17 August 2016



Barry, Brian, Matt and Ryan wander around and name more things.

They come across some kind of monolith and some ancient symbol things where they learn about a past civilisation.

"Wecht's Sky". It doesn't get any better than this :) everything is Wecht! He's very kind to consent to anyone and everyone to go explore the Wecht planet!

I love the old Laurel and Hardy joke "terracotta".

The next planet they name "YouTube Comments". Yikes!

I love that comic Barry mentioned "You made this I made this". Anthony Clark made it and I love his stuff. Beartato rules!

NSP a terrible band?! How dare you Brian! You're spending too much time on Planet YouTube Comments!

Ok I finally got around to watching Peter Dinklage's Space Pants song. It's just as amazing as I'd expected! I'm a big fan of his so I don't know how I've made it this far without watching... All mafia dramas need Space Pants and Gwen Stefani for a bit of comic relief!

On Planet YouTube Comments there are plants called "Block", "Spam" and "DMCA". This naming game is the best :)

Nice way to end the episode on an exciting note with the sentinels coming after them.

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