Wednesday 17 August 2016



Brian and Danny appear before the video to announce a Ninja Sex Party live show in Los Angeles and provide a link to buy tickets. Woo! Arin appears as a surprise from under the blanket, so Starbomb and TWRP are gonna be there too. Yeehaw! After the announcement and funny captions and VHS effects, Danny rushes forward and gives us a big kiss! Aw! Brian gives us an almost kiss.

Arin and Danny play this gorgeous game together! Wow... I remember that rolling along the hotel walls video they did. That was quite a long time ago! I assume they're playing the PlayStation 4 version because of the L1 and R1 icons on the screen...

Ah, now I know it's the PS4 version with the touch pad thing.

I wonder what Sonic game Arin was playing? Black Knight or something else?

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