Wednesday 17 August 2016



Danny and Arin do some improvised puzzle solving. They talk about good old VHS times. Ahhh :) interesting how Danny tried to end the King Kong and Godzilla movie with his own ending where Godzilla wins instead. I feel that way about a lot of movies actually! I like to fast forward through the bits I don't like with movies I've seen already. A personal example of mine is fast forwarding through Eugene Levy's character bits in Splash because I just wanted to see the lovey dovey stuff between Tom Hanks and Daryl Hannah's characters.

Wow those bodies hanging upside down with the opposite gravity... looks so creepy and they twitch too! Danny's glad he isn't playing alone. I'm glad I'm not experiencing this alone either thanks to watching him and Arin play it.

"It sort of rhymes with "mildren"!". Love that routine :)

Nice way to speed up the puzzles when you've someone who's played it before. It helps things! Nice one Arin :) he's breaking out into song, singing that Virgin America safety video again. It is freakin' catchy!

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