Monday 22 August 2016



Ross and Jimmy take on the legendary Pepsi Man! Not sure if this is Jimmy's doing but a lot of thanks goes to him for bringing these great games into the limelight!

Ross' first impressions are similar to mine! It's a joyful and hugely fun game that made me go out and buy loads of Pepsi when I first saw it on YouTube! Regular Pepsi of course, none of that Pepsi Max stuff. For some reason though, Pepsi Max seems to be a lot more plentiful in shops.

I love that panicked "Cowabunga!" Ross yelps when he skateboards down the hill!

The actor who does the live action segments in this game sounds nice. I like his couch potato character, which is the kind of thing we loved from the 90s. It makes you think of Homer Simpson or Beavis and Butthead.

Ross is really taken by the challenge of this game too! This is gonna be a fun series! :D

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