Saturday 20 August 2016



Second part of this series where Barry interviews Ross. By the way, that picture of the kid in sunglasses playing with Transformers accompanying these interviews is Ross isn't it? I think I remember seeing it before. I'd say it is actually. He's the big Transformers fan besides Arin in the group.

Ross begins with his Irish parents and a little bit of their history. He then talks about what he was like as a baby and about his lifelong love for drawing and cartoons. That brontosaurus drawing made out of poo he made as a baby must've been something else...

I love how he drew comics despite having to deal with school and everything.

Hmm... cold turkey isn't a good thing...

Ahh... Newgrounds. I discovered it myself back in 2002 with limited internet access and only watched stuff but Ross was in it for a long time. He learned Flash in his early teens which is a really cool thing :)

It's also really good that he had animation while having to put up with high school. As for me, I drew lots of comics when I was in secondary school and I should get into that kind of thing again.

I never watched Van Helsing but I remember all the trailers for it.

Wow, those rotten kids planning to troll Ross' animation feedback online :(

Ross knew Arin for a long long time and it's pretty amazing to hear about what they were like at first! Wow.... just imagine Angsty Arin!

All that stuff about Arin and Ross being friends online and using those old chat clients before going to America to meet at a convention... all that's pretty cool :)

Then there's all the stuff in the early stages of him meeting Holly and livestreaming animation... that's such a nice thing to hear about :)

He has a long long history of livestreaming. Even before Twitch, before too even.

He animated himself proposing to Holly? Wow! So romantic! What a lovely story!

I remember that Fox and Wolf clone argument when Jon and Arin were playing! Hehehe :) it was pretty heated!

Then there was that heartbreaking realisation he had about animation on YouTube... aw...

Also, the story about when Jon left and Ross got stung by a bee while taking a break from dealing with the backlash gets told again but it's a really good one :)

A little bit is told about the birth of Steam Train and the way Ross started out with Danny as co-host. I still consider Ross and Danny to be the original Steam Train duo and I'm glad they still honour that with Sierra playthroughs!

I need to watch more Gurren Lagann...

But yeah I'm really glad that Ross is able to work on his animation and that Game Grumps and Steam Train is something that allows him to do that while also itself being something he can enjoy doing.

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