Saturday 20 August 2016



Lots of great moments in July. The takeout drive thru order in Dark Souls is great.

Pretty much the entirety of Sonic And The Black Knight and Devil's Third could be shown here!

Seriously the Ivan impressions just keep bringing laughs!

Poor Arin, struggling to stay fresh and non-smelly in the LA summer heat and air conditioner failure and the stress of everything happening at once, including trying to play Sonic And The Black Knight!

Oh man... those Pokémon Art Academy episodes were so long...

Barry's remix thing with the music app he used was so lovely :) and it was really nice of him to make a song for Ross too! He's so lucky :)

That numerology parody with the "almost" was pretty funny alright :)

Those slappy trees are the crankiest trees in the whole wide world.

Lovely improvised connection with the Limp Bizkit song and Katamari :) I can just picture the glint in Arin's eye.

Super Mario Makers can be so evil...

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