Monday 29 August 2016



Danny and Arin continue "Short Muncher" by Sina. This one is turning into quite a lengthy stage!

Hey hey.... those spiked enemies... they look exactly like the sea urchins from Link's Awakening :O were they in any other Mario game?

They talk about how Game Grumps is 4 years old now. I don't exactly feel like it's been around forever. It still feels like a newish thing to me.

Danny beats the stage :) but at the same time leaves the mysterious red door... What's behind it? We may never know... unless I download it and play it or view it in the editor or something. No hassle.

They move on to "スプラトゥーン Splattack! - Splatoon" by ちゃがま. It's a beautiful looking stage from the preview!

It plays the Splatoon battle tune! One of the original ones anyway. It's pretty amazing and you'd expect this to be an automatic stage but it's not at all. Still challenging.

Next up is "Full outomatic mario全自動マリオ" by şнøтα €. It's an impressive automatic stage with shell riding and lots of springs. I like the way Mario is bouncing in celebration at the end!

Next up is "It only gets harder" by KenKnight. Ooo... that hidden Spiny was devilish!

I never thought of looking up "dictionary" in the dictionary... I have looked up "Google" in Google and don't worry! Nothing happened. :) The internet didn't break or anything!

Ah that tease-y cloud along the way...

The ending was cool with the Super Mushroom tucked away behind the flagpole! Looks pretty satisfying to do!

Next up enthusiastically is "Castle Hassle" by SwellowBrd.

Haha. Lava arrow :)

Danny asks about the old Mike Matei castle joke. It was a brilliant joke and very memorable, even though it's not the most Carnegie-esque thing and poor Arin is all disclaimers and stuff. It's a tricky thing when words get out and travel around. I should keep on my toes as well since I'm doing all this blogging.

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