Sunday 21 August 2016



Ross has Jimmy Whetzel along today to play this game! I love this game by the way and am so glad they're playing it on Grumpcade :)

For some reason I can't get the keyboard to work on my Android tablet... Ah well.

Yup, everything's named after keyboard keys :) it's hilarious.

Nice groaner edit for Ross' groaner of a joke!

"Yaoi hands". Learning something new everyday :O

Jumping from the easiest level to the hardest levels? Come oooooon!

Why did they pick the level that swarms you with Beedrills when you mess up? At least it's good practice!

Ross always comes back to the Papyrus voice!

The keyboard is very small and you really need a table to play the game on. You can get used to it and type speedily though.

You're not supposed to be able to see the keys Jimmy! Find the bumps on the F and J keys with your fingers! Oh... I can see from the little graphic that he doesn't use all his fingers.

I'm really happy with this video because the arcade challenge of this game is well demonstrated!

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