Saturday 20 August 2016



Sixth and final part of this series! This time Suzy is interviewing Barry and she goes straight for the placenta!

Barry talks about his family and how his dad is tech savvy and liked video games when Barry was growing up.

When Barry explains his job to people he brings up a comparison to Mystery Science Theater 3000 and hopes they know what show is too! He could always bring up Beavis And Butthead :)

Wow... that health problem with the cyst on his tailbone sounds like it was a horrible time. That problem he had with his canine tooth as well sounds really bad too :(

High School wasn't enjoyable for him except for drama class which he enjoyed a lot so that was nice.

I didn't get a mobile phone for a long time either.

He talks about going through school and choosing his college and still paying off his student loans.

He talks about his study programme in China and even speaks a bit of the language!

Wow that was an insane schedule he had when he was in college :(

Such an awful time he had too when he graduated and the gaming jobs didn't pay at all, so he had to move back home with his parents.

Soon after he joined Game Grumps as he was living with Jon at some point. Suzy's story about him being surrounded by code and everything sounds really funny. Like it could be one of their skits on GrumpOut or something! I'm really glad he found home with Game Grumps after going through all kinds of tough times with education and everything.

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