Friday 19 August 2016



Arin appears before the video to announce a brand new podcast called "Before The Grumps"! Wow! This is pretty cool! Sounds kind of ideal for me too right now because my internet is acting goofy and slow.

Danny and Arin go through a machine that makes them naked and they meet a pulsating blob of legs, arms and human flesh. Yeah it's just like Akira, my thoughts exactly!

They get sucked up into it and continue playing this way. KANEEEEEEDAAAA!

Wow that "Are you the president?" scene was pretty cool!

The dogs still chase but they don't know what to do.

The spectator sport thing is pretty funny too.

"Don't do it it's a trick!". Love Arin's teasing here :)

Wow... I can't think of a better time to make a "Deez Nuts" joke!

The end of the game and more teasing from Arin. This is something else. Poor Danny! I'd feel the same way too!

They kind of try to make light of it by joking about what the blob would like to do with its life now and talk about theories about what was going on in the game at all. It doesn't take away from the fact that this is the ending to the game.

Personally, I wouldn't mind reading spoilers since the game turned out this way in the end.

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