Thursday 7 September 2017

episode 3: good game vr watch party - featuring jade payton


Arin and Danny are nomming in the snack bar when Arin yells "DON'T LOOK AT ME!" at Danny. Aw :)

They're both joined by Jade Payton, who plays Sam on Good Game!

Meanwhile, pictures fly onto the wall behind the camera. Still fun to swipe around :)

She's amazed to see herself act all assertive and sassy :)

Jeekers... that smoking scene :/ Poor Danny had to go through that.

That tantrum in the bedroom scene was great and well edited :) it's always really interesting to see actors reacting to the finished product of a movie!

They hug it out at the end! Yay :) They also invite US to bring it in but VR hasn't come that far! :P Can't just swipe myself over there lol. Ah well. *hugs*

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