Tuesday 12 September 2017

miitopia part 11 - can i put you on hold for a second

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RjBs7fn7Zo

Ross, Holly, Jimmy and Matt put on the air conditioning and talk about deodorant. Must be pretty warm in the Grump Room with all four of them in there.

That thing they talk about with different age groups having different hearing abilities is pretty interesting. Some groups would find certain sounds unbearable.

"Make my IKEA desk" Ross says when fending a Swedish guy away from hitting on his wife. That's brilliant :)

Junior Senior's song is pretty good and Dreamworks' Trolls is a really fun movie too :)

They're gonna get Chinese food inspired by the food in the game. They in turn inspire me to want Chinese food too :P

Yes that before and after image of Alex Jones going redder is pretty funny :)

They're like Wayne's World with the product placement jokes!

Whoa! "Micro" and "Soft" would sound kinda giggly if you were to come up with that name now!

"Can I put you on hold for a second?" Is a really funny idea for a name change :)

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