Saturday 16 September 2017

the g club - hero shooters - episode 13 - i don't know what a hero shooter is but it seems to be pretty much overwatch


Arin and Barry have Jory along today to talk about Hero Shooters. Before now I never heard the term.

They open by talking about fidget spinners. Yeah the craze has kinda waned.

Then it's the actual "what are Hero Shooters?" thing. I still don't really know but they bring up examples like Team Fortress 2 and Overwatch. I guess it's those ones that have healers and stuff.

They get very detailed about it and I'm lost for the most part of this podcast...

Arin gets all nostalgic for Tribes.

I wonder if ARMS could be called a hero shooter since you shoot your arms. Just kidding.

They talk a lot about Overwatch.

Good discussion at the end about sleeping hours.

Jet Set Radio and Chu Chu Rocket were good Dreamcast games :)

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