Thursday 21 September 2017

mario 3: no touch challenge part 2 - fun with boos


Arin and Danny continue to make things harder for themselves.

They try to make the Hammer Bro fight even tougher but there's no need for that really :)

I could see Toad having a cat face when I watched this, but yes it is the interpolation and stuff.

They make it to world 2 :)

Aw... I hope they never stop Game Grumps.

Wow! The Boo killed them after they got through the door! New moments of joy with this game :) not for Mario obviously but for all of us watching and playing :)

Yeah the Boo does follow you up the pipe! Fun little panicked moment there :)

The sky is purple/lavender in these desert stages for some reason. It it some weird video cable thing going on with the capture?

Hehe pink fun fail :)

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