Tuesday 26 September 2017

the dog island part 5 - the big return and with lots of love

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ErjZzAyjZo

Arin and Danny finally return to The Dog Island after years! :D

And just like every time you come back to a Wii game after a long time, the batteries have already been depleted all by themselves, even though they could've been fresh when you last played. At least they haven't corroded. Man, batteries suck now :(

Yay! Yi Lu! The voice comes back :) and they suss out the barking at snakes system straight away :) woo!

Aw... Danny's dog Roxy aka Princess Tingles isn't doing so well? 17 is a very good age though... wow. Poor doggy... At least she was in good company.

They sniff around, bark at bears and meet some beach dogs as well. They eventually dig up the flower they were looking for. It's like some weird divining rod thing.

After the video Danny appears and announces the sad news that Princess Tingles has passed away. Aw...! It's heartfelt and sweet and there's a lovely little montage of her afterwards too. There's that clip from The Decision video by NSP where Danny throws the stunt dog at a bad guy. Aw :) from that clip alone I can see she lived an amazing life! My sympathies Danny...

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