Thursday 7 September 2017

zelda's adventure part 11 - photo realistic wallmasters


Arin and Danny start a new session of this game because this game is really hard going. It immediately continues to be hard going the moment the circus dungeon thing music starts up!

OMG photo realistic Wallmaster! Poor Carl! His hand is unwittingly immortalised forever into this game :)

That non-rhyming boss they eventually beat after a few tries. Finally, they're out and away from the circus music! Yay!

That dude with the broadsword really does look like an enemy! Once again, the voice over is hard to understand and frustrating...

That human grunt when they hit an enemy that is clearly not human makes me laugh too! It's so weird...

Never Eat Soggy Waffles... that's a nice mnemonic for compass directions :) I never heard of it before.

They try to get a heart container but there's a big visual obstruction in the foreground and it seems awkward and impossible to navigate! Link To The Past had this problem too, especially with hacks of the game.

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