Saturday 9 September 2017

paper mario ttyd part 110 - i don't know about meticulous but... hi arin!


Danny and Arin get ready to shoot off to the moon!

Yeah saving is important... Autosaving wasn't that big back then.

It is funny to see the Bob-ombs operating a control panel even though they don't have hands!

That's pretty amazing how the Bob-ombs use their own explosive bodies to power the cannon :)

Arin wonders if someone out there meticulously writes about every episode of Game Grumps. Oh my! Wellllllllllll um... I don't know about meticulous but... I have written about the last two and a half thousand episodes. Gosh I need to catch up... Fanblogging is kinda nuts but I love this show :)

That was kinda surreal... I'll give Arin a Twitter mention :)

Horseshoe crabs are weird and awesome. They're like a crab with its own crazy helmet that it grew itself. When Milhouse from The Simpsons petted that horseshoe crab without his glasses thinking it was a "nice doggy", I didn't think that thing was real until I looked it up. That video Arin looked up is cool :)

Wow just one battle right after the other there on the moon... no relief at all!

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