Friday 29 September 2017

the dog island part 8 - obabacare


Arin and Danny get directions from book dwelling Alex to Obaba's house.

Obaba's wearing a witch hat. Missed opportunity to do an Obama impression for her voice :)

Why do they have to go home for fireplace ashes? Why not use Obaba's fireplace ashes?

She asks to rub the ashes in her eyes?! Yeesh!

At least she cures the stomachache :)

They imagine a really dark turn where she gets captured and burned at the stake!

Wow that world map looks huge!

Dr. Potan walks a bit like the Energizer bunny. He walks so slow but they run so fast after him! They liken it to the "Chosen one!" "I'm coming" scene in Kung Pow :)

They sing along to the folk guitar music too with their own mad lyrics :)

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