Wednesday 20 September 2017

space quest i - cosy adventure time with danny, galactic warrior, veteran sierra player and master of the rock!


Danny plays this game solo for a bumper 2 hour episode :) Yay cosy time with Dan!

That sound is kinda rough! That's the way it was back in the day :) yay built-in PC speakers! I assume that's where it's coming from.

Hehe yeah command line input and score 0 of 202. Text adventures were like this back then :)

Ross isn't here so the save file names have relatively sensible and quality names like "I have accomplished nothing". Still fun tho :)

Oh man... lots of "you can't get ye flask" moments but Danny's a veteran so he can handle it :)

I would've loved that starry space view as well and it would've grabbed my imagination too back in the day. I can still appreciate that kind of thing though :)

Automatic doors are fantastic alright. :)

He escapes and lands on a desolate planet.

I absolutely love how you can use modern acronyms as "fml" when naming files on an old computer :) it makes no difference to the computer but it does make you look like a being from the future lol.

Wow I'd definitely be terrified of exploring this deathly silent desert planet. Good thing I have Danny for company :) I feel like I'm in the room with him and an old computer and we're sharing an adventure.

Heck yeah Danny is the master of the rock :) that was a tricky section having to time the text command input to squish a huge spider with a rock but he pulls it off!

He uncovers the secret entrance to a cave but I imagine he would've been wandering around the desert and dying of thirst for ages on his first try.

The game gets snarky when he tries to interact with the pool :)

Yikes the noise from that beam! So this game came with a hint book? I remember magic ink from old puzzle books! I don't know if it's the same kind as in the hint book though...

Very dodgy part with the dripping acid from the ceiling.

More precautions taken with the alien and the translator or else he'd have to start this section all over again. Danny's my go-to guy for these Sierra games! I've never tried them before and I'd be afraid to.

He's back out in the desert looking for Orat and knows how to deal with him :) The basketball thing is pretty funny!

Danny isn't sure if this let's play would play well with the Grump audience. I for one can say that I love it :) and his own love for the game is very contagious! Plus he did one before by himself and that was awesome too!

He quick foots it back to the alien. It sounds like the genie from Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 :)

Ulence Flats is a pretty good joke :) a nice one to discover many years later too!

Arcade gameplay next! Riding the skimmer through the rocky desert.

Some cool stuff going on at the settlement :) Live music in the bar and a guy trying to buy the skimmer from Danny. He knows how to get the best deal :) again, very time sensitive stuff...

Next up is a slot machine. Yeesh. A slot machine in a Sierra game and there's a risk of being killed here too. There has to be a fast forward edit here. Thanks Matt and Ryan :) It's a funny world building thing I guess.

Ah the Blues Brothers is one of the bands that play here lol :) nice rendition of the introduction theme of their big concert from the movie :) the looping gets a bit much after a while though lol.

Oh man, Danny's memories of trying to get a game thing done before his mom picked him up from his friend's place is so relatable :)

He goes to a store and buys a droid. It looks a bit like the robot thing from Power Rangers. Then he goes to buy a spacecraft. That powdered remains of the dead slot machine players is both funny and cruel!

Later, Danny and his droid escape the planet on their newly purchased ship and get in more trouble with asteroids and a big ship, possibly the very one that killed his buddies at the start of the game.

He names a file "in deep ship". eeeehehehehehe XD

Some air vent sneaking scenes before he unwittingly gains a uniform by getting caught in the washing machine with it :)

That in-game joke about King's Quest III was awesome :)

Yeah the whole sneaking around the ship in disguise thing is awesome.

Butston Freem is a wonderfully silly name :)

It was all going well until the game makes him fall on his face, just to make things more exciting. I would've been happy to continue being stealthy and cool but ah well.

I can imagine not having the code while going at the Star Generator would be really frustrating alright. That was ages ago in the game!

The last place you can die in the game is by falling down the hole next to the pod. It's another memory for him and it is truly rageworthy! I really could get a sense of his pain there!

Yay for Danny, Galactic Warrior :)

He talks about how cool everyone who made the game is, how cool it was to share this hermit-like experience with us, the lovelies and I gotta say I absolutely loved this as well. Would love to see more at some stage :)

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