Saturday 16 September 2017

zelda breath of the wild master trials part 4 - danny's knee scrape


Arin and Danny talk about Ninja Sex Party's recent tour and Danny shows off his knee scraping from powersliding on stage.

Aw that's a lovely thing where Danny shows a clip of his grandmother, GrannySexBang waving to his concert crowd :)

They talk about family and stuff :) that's nice.

The part with the water they die unfortunately and have to start again again etc

Yeah! Kong Skull Island is a great movie :) Even Brian likes it? Wow!

That next part with the boat and enemy nests seems even more challenging than Wind Waker.

During the next part they're about to wake this big guy to fight but then he just stirs his leg in his sleep and it immediately kills them! I'd be lost for words too!

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