Sunday 24 September 2017

mario 3 no touch challenge part 5 - not to be confused with boss nass


Arin and Danny appear before the video in their Florida Game Grumps Live promo.

Arin and Danny triumphantly beat 3-2! Woo!

Next up is a Boss Bass stage though and it's very hard. Not to be confused by Boss Nass, voiced by the wonderful Brian Blessed :)

It's impossible so they have to collect some coins. Maybe they'd be allowed to hit a P Switch?

Castle next and it's the one with all the doors. I know off by heart it's the 6th one because of the AVGN review of this game :)

Nice genes/jeans pun there :)

Arin belches mid-sentence, which makes him sound a bit Satanic :P

Those doughnut lifts do look like pedicure pads :)

Wouldn't a grapefruit kind of sting? Man I don't know any of this.

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