Saturday 9 September 2017

metal gear solid 3 subsistence part 22 - chats with sigint


Barry, Suzy and Arin have mercy on a li'l rabbit.

Some cool radio/codec calls with Sigint about walking tanks and how ridiculous they would be. Nice tongue in cheek humour there alright :)

I didn't know Sigint was the DARPA chief...

I think the radio/codec calls may be my favourite thing about Metal Gear :)

Barry digs out the call where Snake and Sigint talk about being naked. :) It's a funny one alright!

Very hungry but alert soldiers up ahead. They get past though and have a call with Eva.

That "Clinical Records" is pretty funny!

Whoa... Bleeding Tooth Fungus mushroom thing looks pretty insane. The picture isn't edited in though, even though they're like "eww!" and "whoa!". Ah well :)

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