Thursday 21 September 2017

episode 5: good game vr watch party - looking to see what arin knocked off the edge of the couch


Before the video, Arin and Danny wander around the Grump Space before lying down on the ground to curl up into little balls... in VR!

Arin and Danny have Michele Morrow along today to watch episode 5 of Good Game together!

I'm lost on the plot at this point but the banter between the characters is good fun as they play games as a team. Michele has great praise for Arin and Danny! Yeah I think they're great and talented too :)

My favourite VR thing was trying to see what Arin knocked on the foor at the start of their video! I don't know what it was. Also there was the usual production photos flying around the room to turn and look at :)

After the video there's more wandering around the Grump Space. Don't exactly know who the other two guys are though.

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