Sunday 24 September 2017

leisure suit larry mcl part 4 - possible origin of dinosaur laser fight and...dabbing?!


Arin and Danny appear before the video to reveal more Game Grumps Live shows in Florida!

Danny and Arin have it look like Harriet's part of Larry's hair!

They do that fake out hand slapping mini-game that's in this :(

Next is a scene between the college official's niece and him and the college official and the whole comedic awkward scene that follows.

That virginity pick-up line... was weird...

Suddenly they find a painting with dinosaurs and lasers and Danny wonders if this is what inspired the NSP song Dinosaur Laser Fight! That is weird and really funny!

It's only now that the fountain connection dawns on them as well. Jeez! It's funny how it was blurred out this whole time for YouTube :)

Larry's dabbing! That was around over a decade ago?

There is something gloriously 90s about this game :)

Iona's the next one for quarters. That sperm mini game never fails to look really weird...

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