Thursday 31 December 2015

The Simple Plot of Metal Gear Solid by Starbomb and Studio Yotta


First time talking about Starbomb! Studio Yotta does some lovely looking work too.

This song's about Danny having a chat show praising simple video game plots but then Arin as Solid Snake shows up and talks about the "simple" plot for his game! Danny keeps trying to bring it back to simple stuff but then Snake constantly comes back with his plot and it makes for interesting conflict!

We get a lovely animated recap of Metal Gear Solid 1 too.

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 93


Danny tells us about the dummy they use in the Ninja Sex Party videos, which is still around to this day. Its name is Danakin. Or is it Dannequin? It's stuffed with newspapers from 2008 so it's like some kind of time capsule when stuff flies out!

Arin walks into a chamber where there's loads of sunflowers and gross lanky gray things called "Living Failures". They all seem to have the same health bar but there are several of them and they hit hard. At one point they do some kind of a meteorite summon that turns the screen like outer space for a moment and all this fire comes down and Arin loses.

Danny brings up a "what if?" scenario where someone doesn't know that Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father. Arin says there are so many parodies and pop culture references to it that it would be hard to find someone like that. That's how I found out! :) didn't watch the movies until much later.

God Hand Part 8


We join Octopimp, Arin and Ross as they rescue a guy from a dangerous game of hoopla.

The city reminds Arin of the hub world from Sonic '06! It really would make you think of it!

Ross says something amazing to Octopimp: "I God to Hand it to you, you're pretty good at this game."

They mention One Punch Man and how much they love it. It's an awesome show! Everyone should check it out as it's really fun :)

They're doing a little mini-game where they're shooting cannonballs at UFOs and ships.

They meet a rock star boss with a cool shirt and defeat him really quickly. They talk a bit about Devil May Cry. I've... never really played that series...

Up ahead, the guitar boss comes back with a drum boss and Octopimp uses the God Hand stuff he has saved up to beat them in no time.

Further still is Elvis again! Octopimp says this encounter is one of the most popular boss fights in the game, so let's check it out next time!

Dead Rising Part 30


We join Arin and Danny, figuring out where to go in the dark mall.

They make a joke about a guy joining a cult to meet a girl he likes. The stupid things a guy can do!

They find the grocery store for orange juice and melons. They then head out to drive around on the motorcycle.

They get a ton of experience from killing psychopaths, so they save once more at a gym.

Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival Part 6


We join Danny, Suzy and Brian for the session finale!

Brian impatiently grumbles through the fortune telling segments again. Afterwards, they enter the fishing tourney. Danny gives Chip a nasally toothy voice.

Danny and Brian share a moment when they make a reference to the movie UHF. Suzy wonders what it is. I know it's a movie but I haven't seen it before. Sorry guys! I'll watch it someday! Brian tells us all about it and what UHF refers to.

Brian catches a red snapper, coming first.
Suzy catches a bluegill, coming third.
Danny catches an olive flounder, coming second.

It's Sunday again, so time to buy more 'nips! Suzy maxes out, Brian buys some, Danny buys none.

What timing! The stalk market crashes on the next turn! Brian sells all of his at a small loss and Suzy waits 'til the last turn to sell hers.

It's time to call the game and Brian wins for having the most happy points. Suzy comes second and Danny comes third.

Danny and Brian talk about an upcoming Ninja Sex Party album, "Under the Covers" which is coming soon!

Wednesday 30 December 2015

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 92


We join Arin and Danny for a brief bit of nice relaxing atmosphere before it's action time again.

One of the gross skinny bulb head things falls off the stairs to its death and becomes a laugh for a while, but then they fall off the rafters to their death due to a crow falling in front of their path.

They quickly make their way back up to it though and kill it. They make it safely past the rafters where there's another gross bulb head banging its head off the wall and two bigger crows.

Up ahead is a bulb head on its own. It seems a lot happier than the ones attached to the scrawny bodies. They get brain fluid from it. On the way back down it's still treacherous.

They give the brain fluid to the creature below and wonder what to do next. Arin says it's like the Water Temple of Bloodborne with the winding staircase and everything. Not a bad analogy.

God Hand Part 7


Octopimp loves the running animation and it reminds him of the running in Blue Stinger for the Dreamcast. Arin and Ross haven't seen it but we're all assured it's something special.

Octopimp reaches the first boss that can dodge your attacks and beats him easily! Later on there's another boss that has electric powers and he gets beaten easily too. Arin and Ross praise Octipimp using Barry's "Oh look at me! I'm so good at video games!" line.

Some more exposition happens and it's on to the next level!

Dead Rising Part 29


We join Arin and Danny as they set out to do some wapping! They find a sledgehammer, so let it begin!

It's pretty dark now. They plan their route and stock up on orange juice.

Outside, they have to deal with the inmates again. Didn't they kill them already?! I don't get it...

Anyway, Arin takes care of them and then takes the big gun away.

He shoots a big line of psychopaths with it, but then he accidentally leaves and re-enters the area, so the gun despawns and the psychopaths respawn. D'oh!

Introducing Kevin!


Yay! Kevin spotlight! This is when he was introduced to the Grump family to do some video editing. They uploaded this part on its own to the GrumpOut channel.

Poor Barry has too much on his plate so they turn to the prophecy! Kevin comes in to save the day and takes on some of that colossal editing load. This is mainly about Barry and Kevin bonding through sweet montages, though the other Grumps make appearances too. Check it out, it's fun :)

Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival Part 5


We join Danny, Brian and Suzy for more rolling! Everyone sells their turnips and then they meet Redd. Later on, the fortune teller comes back, much to Brian's chagrin.

They regret their turnip selling decision as they land on much higher value spaces.

They were guessing the names of the Able sisters and Brian got it right!

Next episode is the last for this game. Brian's in the lead but who knows how it'll turn out?

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 91


Back with Arin and Danny. They fall off a ledge unfortunately and die. They die again, losing their gathered souls. :(

Arin talks about how even people he doesn't expect to watch Game Grumps, watch Game Grumps! They both thank us again for watching. You're welcome lads :) I always love putting on your latest videos.

They talk about movies like The Jerk with Steve Martin. I haven't seen it before either! Must watch it sometime.

They also talk about prices now versus prices then for like a hot dog at a football match. It is pretty insane how expensive things are now :(

At the end of the video they come across those scrawny gross head things sans the heads. What's going on?

God Hand Part 6


We join Arin, Ross and Octopimp for a jokey Kickstarter pitch! This is all during a mini-game where they punch cannonballs at a ship.

They face the boss Shannon and make short work of her. They finish off nicely with a spanking!

They talk a little about Dragon Ball Evolution, since the evil guy looks a bit like Piccolo did in it. That movie was something else...

A couple of levels are passed by running past enemies instead of punching them.

More bosses like the ones from before and Octopimp beats them easily again.

Dead Rising Part 28


Danny was begging Arin to get this game out to play again, so here we are!

I guess it's fond memories Danny has of watching his friend play the game about 10 years ago. PS1/PS2 era games were kind of like that. Even if you didn't play, your friend would play GTA or Driver or something and you'd both just hang out and enjoy the lunacy.

Isabela wakes up and a cut scene plays out. They're still wearing the WAP! demon mask. Some exposition happens. It's a return to this series again for a while :)

Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival Part 4


We join Suzy, Brian and Danny as they meet Katrina the fortune teller. It's night time and the Northern Lights are shown in the sky :) how nice.

All the while they're at the fortune teller, Brian just gets angry.

They wonder what language the characters are speaking. It's Animalese :)

Suzy finally gets to sell her turnips for a handsome profit! Last day too!

Joan comes round again and they all buy turnips.

It's a nice looking board game honestly.

Monday 28 December 2015

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 90


We join Arin and Danny in the realm of the scrawny things with the gross goopy heads.

It's been a few days so they wander around a while, trying to find stuff to do. They kill a lot of creatures.

At one point Arin's lozenge can be heard. Gotta look after his voice as that wins the bread for him. A lot of work he does is all about his voice actually. Same with Danny too. I hope they can keep saying what they say and earn what they earn with their voices. Sing what they sing too!

God Hand Part 5


We join Octopimp, Arin and Ross for more butt kicking! Here, they're facing Elvis again. They make short work of him.

They get Gene ready and suited up for the next level. They dress him up in skimpy carnival gear.

Octopimp makes short work of everybody! A gorilla shows up and is quickly dealt with, the little sentai style heroes too.

The game is a good bit like No More Heroes alright!

Endless Ocean 2 Part 15


Christmas is over! Hope you all had a good one!

We join Arin and Danny as they chat with Nancy again. They have to go meet Professor Sakurai (not that one) Captain Grandpa says lots of not so nice things! They then go sit in their expensive deckchair and imagine all kinds of chaotic stuff happening to disturb the super peaceful scene!

Afterwards, they head to the Aquarium in Japan. Arin gives Professor Sakurai a voice with a nervous tic that makes her give outbursts every few words she says. Is she like the Plane'arium guy from South Park? :) Captain Grandpa doesn't believe she's the professor for a second!

A surfer looking dude shows up and Arin gives him such a voice. His name is Ken.

Next time, they have to go check out a polar bear. Globe trottin'!

Sunday 27 December 2015

Daze Before Christmas


We join Arin and Danny for a Christmas SNES game! It's not the first SNES game I'm blogging about, that honour goes to Batman Returns earlier today.

There's some lovely animations here like Santa shrinking into his hat.

Suddenly the game freezes and an emulator pops up. Noooooooo! The magic is ruined! Nah it's ok. :) from the looks of it, this emulator's running on an Xbox.

Arin decides to just go into the ROM menu and play Cobra Girls instead. That doesn't work either so he chooses Chow Wai Man. This is just a slideshow of some 90s model.

Chester Cheetah Wild Wild Quest next. This one doesn't work either! They have to pick another ROM!

All the while this is happening, they are rolling around laughing!

Next up is Chavez Boxing. This one works at least! They just keep boxing the guy in the junk, trying to knock him out. They don't manage to do it because he regains health too quickly.

This episode was ridiculous and brilliant :)

Saturday 26 December 2015

Xmas Carnage Part 2


Barry freaks out trying to find his way on such little health. All the while the tune for "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer" is playing in the background. Ross and him hum it nervously as they navigate the maze.

They're really into this! The music itself swings between the Rudolph and really nail biting tense music.

They open the way into this gloomy castle and bad guys pop up everywhere. Every time someone pops up they freak out and desperately try to shoot them. They don't know how to change weapons, unfortunately!

It's a pretty good video! Not a single dull moment here :)

Batman Returns


Arin & Danny dig out a Batman game for Christmas! The movie takes place during Christmas, so here we go!

They talk about the movie and how they feel about it. I like it a lot too! The Tim Burton Batman movies are my favourites. They talk about more 80s stuff. I feel a bit confused and very much at home for a while :)

Danny also brings in the word "gay" as something cool, so when something cool happens they're all like "That's totally gay!" and it's fun! I'm glad Danny thought about the Flintstones theme song lyric as well as I had that in mind when they were doing this. This episode was a gay old time!

Nancy Drew: The White Wolf of Icicle Creek Part 6


Danny promises this is the last episode. Not to worry Dan, I quite like this! It may look like an empty house on Christmas, but it's quite cosy! Arin's still on board!

Danny says it looks creepier than Silent Hill. Funny he should say that, there was a mobile game called Silent Hill: Orphan that had static backgrounds like this. It's actually my favourite one in the series too.

They spend a lot of time going around the lodge doing maid chores. Danny urges someone to change the CD on the PA system! It is kind of an uncanny tune alright! He then looks it up while Arin talks to the cowboy dude. He finds that this is the 16th installment in the Nancy Drew game series and is absolutely gobsmacked.

I believe it though! There are many books, so it's natural to assume there are many games too. On looking it up, I see that not only is it the 16th game, but there have been more than 16 installments since! I'd like to dive into this and explore the legacy a bit. Maybe see if there are online fan communities for stuff like this and see what they're like.

The episode has to end sometime though. Poor Danny's getting cabin fever!

Friday 25 December 2015

Xmas Carnage Part 1


Happy Christmas everyone and to Steam Sleigh with Ross and Barry! By the way, I never commented on the intro. Barry as the spinning dreidel bouncing on the words is a really nice touch!

Ross chooses a game that isn't even in English! At least they can play away though.

It's one weird game. It's another snowy FPS. When you attack the snowmen with an axe, they bleed. They bleed red blood! It's another wonderful piece of abandonware and I'm glad to join and watch as they play.

Ice Age 2 The Meltdown


Ah, so this is what they came up with! Golf games can't last forever I'm afraid!

Happy Christmas everyone and to Arin and Danny, whom we join for this game.

Arin's never watched an Ice Age movie, and he's an animation buff! I've only seen one or two of the sequels. Recently I saw a little animated short featuring that little Scrat guy when I went to see the Snoopy and Charlie Brown Peanuts movie.

They continue to talk about the voices and then about Leonardo da Vinci, whom they jokingly depict as several things, including being alive. It's a fun episode to relax with if you've had a busy day today!

Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival Part 3


Happy Christmas everyone and to KittyKatGaming! We're back with the hoarse voiced Suzy(get well soon), Danny and Brian.

Poor Suzy continues to have bad luck when she can't land on the good turnip spaces. Brian gets to sell his for a lot though. Maybe she will in the next episode. Dr. Shrunk appears too and his face appears on the board in various spaces. They reckon he's really depressed. Maybe he is? I can't really tell.

Still quite fun with Brian doing the deadpan voice :)

JonTron 2015 Q&A


Jon appears for some Q&A! Lots of stuff about Starcade, what it was like to reunite with Arin for a while, about Jacques. Don't worry, he's not dead!

Nice little catch up video with our friend Jon and his bird buddies. Have a watch!

Happy Christmas, Jon :)

Nancy Drew: The White Wolf of Icicle Creek Part 5


Arin and Danny continue having phone conversations and taking off the voices. Good fun :)

They then explore more and find another room. After this, they meet a couple of Canadian guys playing a board game. The older one says "eh" and everything. Lots of funny dialogue jokes here too :)

Terror in XMAS Town


Ross and Barry play a really old looking Doom clone with a Christmas theme. That old crappy charm is there :) You go around shooting polar bears, turning them into snowmen.

Really creepy looking Grinch here too. Lots of fenced snowy path corridors to navigate.

This game crashes too! When it happens, Barry and Ross talk more about Christmas plans. Sounds like it's gonna be a quiet one for them. It's gonna be quietish for me too. Just me and another family member.

Ross shares a Christmas story about Holly and him bringing a bird to a nursing home and all the characters they meet there. It's a lovely story and well worth listening to. Check it out! :)

Thursday 24 December 2015

Outlaw Golf Part 5


We join Arin and Danny for the last couple of holes!

They're pretty good at the game now. At one point they look at a ski lodge and all they can think about is hot cocoa. Danny comes up with the great idea of going to an actual ski lodge to drink hot cocoa and not ski at all. Arin's really on board with the idea because he doesn't want to ski. This is something I would do too :)

They reckon the sports commentator is Steve Carell. It does sound a bit like him. Not sure if it's him though. I think this game came out just before he became a big sensation in movies, so it sounds very probable.

Those caddy beatings aren't just a fun distraction, they replenish some kind of meter that helps you to play well.

Anyway, they finish up the last hole and Danny wins! This game is finished so I wonder what they'll have in this slot for Christmas Day?

Sonic Boom Breakdown


Last year during the Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric playthrough, Barry appears in some of the videos, pointing out many of the graphical oddities in the opening prologue. It is pretty amazing to see some of this stuff. Here it is reuploaded for our convenience!

There are some amazing things like Knuckles going face first into a wall and funny things like characters popping in and duplicating. Barry's showing the others too. Danny's under a big woolly hat and blanket, similar to how I'm typing this right now! I guess L.A. has a little bit of a Winter.

Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival Part 2


Brian begins the episode by telling the not so happy cat story. Suzy joins in by saying how sad she'll be when she eventually has to say goodbye to Mochi and Mimi when they die.

Things go a bit happier again when Joan comes along with the stalk market. They get super into the game now. Funny thing is, Danny's the only one who doesn't buy turnips but he lands on all the good spots. Suzy lands on nothing but sad spots.

Let's see how luck will turn in the next episode!

Nancy Drew: The White Wolf of Icicle Creek Part 4


Arin and Danny do some maid duties today. Funny the way the bed just gets made instantaneously :)

They also get to do some snooping.

Later on it's a funny dialogue convo with a few characters on the phone.

Danny has grown to really love playing this game :) I hoped they would!

SkyRoads Xmas Special


Nostalgia overload for Barry! Ross lucked out!

Nice 3D graphics in this spaceship driving game. Depth perception seems kinda tricky during really difficult moments. The level select is a blessing!

Barry is nostalgic and Ross is all whatever. They talk about nostalgic PC games though, which is nice.

Outlaw Golf Part 4


Arin and Danny are back with more caddy bashing!

At one point, Danny gets the camera stuck between trees and buildings and can't get it out. Tricky stuff.

Arin's game gets a lot better and he even gets a birdie! More importantly, he gets another beat token :)

Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival Part 1


Looking forward to this new playthrough on KittyKatGaming! Ninja Sex Party are here today with Suzy! Poor thing has a cold though. They'll get through it together :)

Brian plays as Isabelle, Suzy as Cyrus and Danny as Mabel. They each read their own text when they arrive on a square. Good opportunity for comedy here :)

Poor Suzy really does sound in a bad way. She's soldiering on though. What a trooper!

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Nancy Drew: The White Wolf of Icicle Creek Part 3


Arin and Danny attempt to escape this creepy lonely little hotel. Instead, they meet and chat with Yanni Volkstaia, a grumpy East European athlete. Great opportunity taken for funny dialogue!

Later on it's dog puns with the cowboy guy. Also, firing and missing :) they crack everyone up here :)

Very silly and fun episode!

Santa's XMAS Caper


Ross found some more Christmas abandonware games! I love this concept! What are abandonware sites like now? I haven't browsed them in a long time.

This one's a nice platformer where Santa Claus jumps around. "Deck The Halls" plays in the background. This game seems to have a very ZX Spectrum feel to it.

There's a funny part where they make an emotional analysis on the moon's face and they get Kevin to zoom in on it. That moon seems to have many burdens!

Outlaw Golf Part 3


Back with Arin and Danny for more Outlaw Golfing!

Arin's all offended when Danny says he has fat hands. Arin himself has been losing a good bit of weight lately. Good for him! I have too. Not quite as much as he has though.

Arin finally gets a beating token so he finally gets a chance to beat up his caddy :)

The Boogeyman Part 4


Arin, Suzy and Barry take another chance at Night Five.

Appearances happens really quickly on this night. They get through it though.

On the next night, the Boogeyman is relentless! They eventually lose when they have to look for a battery. When is a good time to look for one though?

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Nancy Drew: The White Wolf of Icicle Creek Part 2


More mysteries with Arin and Danny! Actually, they do some cooking in this episode. They make a lot of jokes about this!

Later on they come across a 16x16 grid with pictures of animals on it. Do they have to make them match? They try getting all raccoons but it doesn't do anything.

The Grinch Part 2


Ross and Barry scream in terror when a kid comes up to hug them! Try as they might, the kid just won't let go! Much of the humour in this episode comes from this.

How do they get rid of the kid? It just won't let go no matter what they try!

All of a sudden, the game crashes. They manage the rest of the episode by talking about Dr Seuss' amazingly named first book: "The Pocket Book of Boners". Never heard of that one before:)

Outlaw Golf Part 2


Back with Arin and Danny for more golfing!

In this episode, Arin has a bit of trouble with the aiming and swinging. Unfortunately, this means he doesn't get to beat his caddy up. Danny does though!

The Boogeyman Part 3


More creepiness with Suzy, Arin and Barry!

In this episode a ghost girl appears at the window. What the heck is that all about? Is it a distraction like the toys? The room sometimes gets lit nicely, probably because of the snow or moon outside. Not sure. Could be a glitch like they were saying.

They lose in this one unfortunately.... I won't say where though!

Monday 21 December 2015

Nancy Drew: The White Wolf of Icicle Creek Part 1


Arin and Danny begin a Wii point n'click adventure game! Judging by "White Wolf" and "Icicle" in the title, I assume it's Wintery and Christmasy. I hope it's also cosy! Wii's good at this kind of stuff you know :)

Wow I like the way it looks! Static images for the areas and arrows to click on for navigation. This is all you need really! Plus, there's some creepy music playing in the background while they search the lodge. I love all these Wii curiosities!

Very cool part when they look at the computer and what they're browsing looks just like HTML.

The Grinch Part 1


First time blogging about Steam Sleigh! Ross and Barry are here playing a game with a very Christmasy name.

Barry tells us about an interesting website from the late 90s called Old Man Murray. Never heard of that one before.

Graphics in this game are pretty rough, like PS1 graphics, except less pixelly. Closer to N64 I suppose, but The Grinch himself moves just like a PS1 platform mascot.

First episode is with them running around the hub, watching cutscenes, tutorials, figuring stuff out.

Outlaw Golf Part 1


Christmas kicks off with the first Jingle Grumps of 2015!

Still at the title screen, Arin tells Danny about how KFC made it a tradition in Japan to eat fried chicken at Christmas. That's pretty amazing...

Danny plays with the original giant Xbox controller and he loves it! With his lovely big hands it suits him fine!

This game is set on snowy golf courses, so that makes it a good fit for this series.

Occasionally you get to beat up your caddy! It's one of those fun parody games :)

Lovely Day for Cricket


I forgot about this one! This is the live action part from last year when Arin and Ross played a cricket game. They then play some real cricket in the Grump Space.

If you want to see poor Arin tormented constantly by the cheeky Ross, have a watch! It's quite long, so it's a good one to hang out with. You get a good impression of what the Grump Space is like too. Imagine working there!

Sunday 20 December 2015

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 89


Back with Arin, Danny and the icky, pulsating head things.

They mention how doing Endless Ocean 2 really takes it out on their voices. They're happy to entertain though and I'm happy they're doing such quality stuff for us. Thanks again guys :) ye're great!

Plenty more ickiness in this episode, including some euthanasia to more of these icky thingies.

God Hand Part 4


We join Arin, Ross and Octopimp for more God Handing!

It's quite gratuitous too. They show off the spanking move, which makes them go "whoa" and everything.

Ross mentions Weetabix. We have that here too Ross!.

At the end of the video, Elvis appears again for more boss time.

Endless Ocean 2 Part 14


We join Arin and Danny in the secret chamber. Meanwhile, Captain Grandpa's up on the boat reading the manga they were talking about the other day! Danny gets a big kick out of this! :)

Lots of great voice jokes this episode. Gaston Gray even shows up too! Have a look!

Saturday 19 December 2015

Star Wars Masters of Teras Kasi


The last of today's Star Wars games! This one's a 1vs1 fighter. There are some strange characters here like the one named Hoar. Arin has a distaste for Boba Fett, so this game seems like the perfect way to settle things!

They get quite a kick out of the 2 different skins a character can have when you both pick the same one.

Star Wars Jedi Power Battles


The second of today's Star Wars videos. Barry, Brian and Ross play.

They talk about Star Trek a lot in this episode.

Star Wars Episode 1 The Phantom Menace


All Star Wars videos today to celebrate the new movie! First blog about a PS1 game too! Arin and Danny play this game based on Episode 1.

They make a lot of jokes about how Liam Neeson's character leaves them hanging. Some Yoda joke time comes in too :)

But yeah... this is the kind of game that was in the charts back in the late 90s.

Lost Episode: Shamu's Deep Sea Adventures


This was released sometime yesterday. After this, get ready for Star Wars videos!

Interesting video! It's also the first Nintendo DS game I'm blogging about! All I can say is, what a debut! Ross is here together with Brian playing this game about an killer whale at a sea park.

Poor Ross has to suffer the same tutorial text over and over again and loses his mind. It doesn't help that Brian reads it out loud every time either!

What follows is a live action segment where Ross runs into the room with the DS Card and a hammer and... well, have a look!

The Boogeyman Part 2


Suzy, Arin and Barry make it to the second night. The freaky thing that happens here is toys going off by themselves for false scares.

I like how they say they wish they could be watching on YouTube because of benevolent comments that tell you where the jump scares are. I look that up myself actually :)

There's an amazing part where they look under the bed and they see the shadow of the window moving. More tricks here! Great to see this game bringing its own take on the formula :)

They survive the second night! They survive the third night too.

Suzy talks about new year's resolutions. Arin says "not to play scary games". He still loves the way the Boogeyman recoils though, going hehehe every time!

Well, that's it. This is the only Grump video today that isn't about Star Wars. Here they come!

Friday 18 December 2015

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 88


We join Arin and Danny for more Bloodborning!

At one point they kick a guy off a balcony after slaying him. Maybe that's how the human snail thing from a previous episode got to them? Maybe it was kicked down by someone else. In any case, yay!

They meet a few things with gross things for heads, including one that has lost their eyes. One even asks for brain fluid. It all looks very sad and disturbing...

Soon, they come across ones that attack desperately with their claws.

I looked up Immortal Dog. Pretty funny! Reminds me of Powerthirst. Thanks Arin!

God Hand Part 3


Perhaps I should cover Table Flip? They released "Survive - With Friends" on the channel today. Hm...

Anyway, it's back to Octopimp, Arin and Ross for more God Hand! But first, we get live action skit where Barry gets possessed by the Ghost of Anime something or other. He then talks like an excited anime character to Suzy about's amazing offer. It's pretty amusing, so have a watch!

OK, now it's back to God Hand! Octopimp beats Elvis pretty easily, being the pro. Some cutscenes play and they briefly discuss the plot and characters and what everything could mean. They conclude that it's about punching things until they die.

Octopimp gets some costumes, a Karate one for Gene and a bunny one for Olivia. They both look pretty dang sweet! He continues punching people and getting through levels.

Endless Ocean 2 Part 13


We join Arin and Danny as they come across a door that opens if you sit in the throne. How are they going to get the luna lionfish to get out of the way though? Let's see...

They get past it easily enough and obtain the key. It opens the door to the King's Chamber.

They have a conversation about Japanese things, like Lupin the Third and Pie Hell. I love Lupin the Third! Pie Hell I've never seen and I really should. More stuff too like competitions where they're not allowed to laugh. I haven't seen enough of those :)

Near the end, the door closes behind them and they must press on in a different direction, so they continue into the secret room they just opened.

DuckTales Glitches Out - by Carl Doonan


This is inspired by Arin and Danny's dialogue from their DuckTales playthrough.

Pretty cool recreation of the glitches! This is coupled with the dialogue of the insensitive Uncle Scrooge breaking the bad news to the nephews that their brother is dead. This cartoon's good fun! The glitch effects really make it!

The Boogeyman Part 1


Suzy is joined by Arin and Barry today, as they play a scary sounding game! Was she too scared to play this by herself?

I think I would be too... When they lose it's pretty scary. The game is similar to the online sensation that is Five Nights at Freddy's. You play as a kid, checking various spots in their bedroom for the Boogeyman. When a sign of it shows up, you flash your torch on it to scare it away. Arin is highly amused by this!

The game even has the voice message in the form of another kid from the audio cassette player. Nice touch!

If I were to compare The Boogeyman to Five Nights at Freddy's, I would say that it is much easier to get as a concept. Everyone knows who The Boogeyman is from being a kid, but not everyone knows what it's like to be a security watchman, having to switch between cameras.

Thursday 17 December 2015

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 87


We join Arin and Danny talking about coconut oil ice cream. They also have more fun with the loading screen text. They make some great puns with these throughout the series :)

Arin's having a good bit of trouble with the hunters here. They're very fast alright... At least it gives us more loading screen text for them to make fun of :)

Arin says he's never seen Silence of the Lambs. Don't feel bad dude, I haven't either.

He eventually finds some success by the end of the video. Yay :)

God Hand Part 2


Ross and Octopimp start the video with a soft voiced greeting. Nice contrast to the mayhem in the game! Arin brings it all real again though! :)

They also sign for an irl food delivery. Ah, business stuff!

Octopimp acts out one of his favourite scenes from the game since he accidentally skipped it. Kevin edits this by putting it over the actual scene. Nice recreation. :)

Ross tells a nice fun story about the time he had a Shaolin instructor that told him to "Thrust the foot". He got mixed up however, thinking he said "Trust the foot".

Octopimp does some game glitching too which is amusing.

I like Arin's voice as Ted Bear from the Cyanide & Happiness cartoons :)

Ross tells another crazy story and they play up to the boss, Elvis. The fight with him is in the next episode!

Endless Ocean 2 Part 12


We join Arin and Danny talking about manga. A very specific manga quote!

They head back to Nineball Island to order more stuff from Nancy's catalogue. They can't afford a bigger bag though... Then it's back to the underwater castle to spot some more wildlife, including some funny dialogue for the hammerhead shark :)

Later on they can't fit through this hole in the door but the partner can. It's a pretty big hole though...

Lots of goodies inside. Pity they can't afford the bigger bag...

Christmas Lights


Suzy brings us another festive browser game from This one's a spot the difference puzzle with patterns of Christmas lights. A gentle tune plays "Gloria in excelsis deo" in the background, making it lovely and relaxing :)

Suzy's tip for spot the difference puzzles is to cross your eyes so the clues jump out at you. I don't know if that's something I'd do! The puzzle itself can be nice to do now and again.

She also notices she's talking like Dustin from SoloTravelBlog! He visited them recently talking about their cats :) it was a sweet video.

Suzy shares a little Christmas tradition she likes to do: A few days before Christmas, she likes to get in the car with some hot chocolate and a blanket. Then she has a look at decorations people put on their houses. Sounds like a lovely thing to do! :)

She shares more memories, like the one with her grandmother. She also shares Grump memories, like eating Chinese food on Christmas Day, or going to see Frozen with everybody. Sounds like a lot of fun! :)

She spares a thought for hardworking people in retail too. She used to do that herself.

This was a really nice video!

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 86


We join Arin and Danny, pleased at just defeating Ludwing the thingy. Things are good!

At one point they meet a guy who accuses them of lying. Lying about hearing a bell. Weird guy.

Arin's having trouble in the big bedroom with these wizard guys zapping him. There's also these giant disgusting rats in the corner.

They have a really interesting conversation about listening to albums and doing just one thing at a time. They talk about if anyone just sits down and listens to something with their headphones and do nothing else. Not while doing work or something else, just listening to music. That's a really interesting thing. Here I am for example, writing a blog while watching Game Grumps! Doing two things at once. I like doing one thing at a time but it's fun to do this as well.

God Hand Part 1


A new series and the first appearance of Octopimp! He joins Arin and Ross to play God Hand. He's a pro at this game.

God Hand is a big fan favourite. Lots of nothing but punching people and crazy moves. Here, Octopimp plays from a New Game+ save file on Easy mode. That means we see all the cool moves sooner.

Ross has never seen this game in action and he's quite impressed at the sight of what's going on. During cutscenes, he tries to identify the voices.

The Dog Island Part 4


Back with Arin and Danny for more sniff sniffing! They become gobsmacked when they catch a glimpse of the world map and how little of it they've covered so far. In it for the long haul! :)

They meet the nurse Francis who's being picked on by some other dogs. The dialogue with her is a bit absurd and they make the whole exchange with her very funny :) She gets them tied up in an absurd side quest tangle.

Later on they meet Goliath, a construction worker dog. He gives them yet another side quest. They have to bark at a gorilla in order to obtain an axe handle. Sounds like a normal everyday thing right? :)

Factory Balls Christmas Edition


Suzy brings us more festive cheer with a themed browser game from

In this game you have to dip Christmas tree ornaments in different buckets. You're trying to get one of them to look like the ornament in the top right. You must figure out what paints and items to use for the different coloured patterns.

She goes quiet and mutters with intense concentration!

She's right about it being relaxing. I'd take her up on that recommendation of playing it before bed too. This video is relaxing on top of that.

JonTron's StarCade: Episode 9 - The Star Wars Holiday Special


Another brilliant installment of this series where Jon hunts down a commercially difficult to find trinket!

The part where he goes to the Skywalker Ranch, the dialogue is hilarious!

I never watched this special and I'm pretty content just learning about it. Couldn't think of a better way than to watch this :)

The whole video is amazing. Just when you think it couldn't get any more amazing, it does! It's a wonderful show put on for us lovelies!

Oh yeah, Jacques appears too and he's all buff and stuff.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 85


Arin and Danny make more jokes about stuff on the loading screen text.

They find a spot where they can recruit help and call in two guys. Arin cheers with happiness and brings them to fight Ludwig(the thingy) he couldn't beat from a previous episode.

It's a nerve wracking battle! About halfway through, the thingy gets a big green sword that can shoot out beams, but they're still able to keep at it until the PREY SLAUGHTERED message comes up :) Well done Arin! They have a good ol' cheer and listen to the severed head yammer for a bit.

Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, And The Terribly Cursed Emerald


The original Steam Train duo are back! Ross and Danny are playing another adventure/walking sim in the vein of Stanley Parable that the developer sent them.

The set-up is, they've been invited to play a game for an event but things aren't going according to plan and there's this producer guy telling them what to do and to go around doing all this work backstage. If you've seen/played Stanley Parable, you know what to expect.

The Dog Island Part 3


YES! It returns! Like Endless Ocean, The Dog Island on Wii is another big fan favourite that's seldom played. I loved the episodes from last year! It really helped in making Winter less bleak :)

Arin and Danny are back and doing voices and yup, Yi Lu is back! Oh man it was hilarious in the last episode!

This episode is different because they're learning the action gameplay. Up until now they were just talking and doing voices. It'll also be a regular series now instead of the long episodes they were originally planning.

Lots of sniffing in this episode, searching for flowers and items. I assume this is the main aspect of the gameplay.

Transformers: Mystery of Convoy skits


I remember this one too! These are two skits that were at the beginning and end of a Famicom Transformers episode. Arin and Danny played it last year to time it with the release of a new Transformers movie at the time.

The first skit features Danny telling Arin and Ross about the new movie, to which they react in massive surprise. It's funny because Arin and Ross are huge Transformers fans. Seriously, look at that room. They're everywhere!

The second skit isn't so much a skit but a live reading Danny does of some weird and hilarious Transformers(knockoff?) packaging that Ross hands to him.

Christmas Stacker


Suzy's back with another festive themed Newgrounds game! She played a Halloween version of this a few months ago. Still, it's nice to revisit a puzzle with a different theme. Mixes things up.

Wow, that was a lucky break on the Square Block level.

It's kinda funny when she says "Nyyyooooooo!" and she says it a lot! That's the KittyKatness showing!

I'm trying to remember but this seems more difficult than the Halloween one...

Monday 14 December 2015

Mochi & Mimi // Mortem3r & Egoraptor's Two Buckwild Cats by SoloTravelBlog


Meet Dustin! This video is from his YouTube channel SoloTravelBlog and features Cat Grumps Mochi and Mimi. He swears a bit but as he says himself in the comments, "You gotta balance the sweet with the spicy, baby"

This video is all about his time with Cat Grumps Mochi and Mimi. It features dangly string action, gachapons of catnip, a space age laser pointer and buttpat techniques. Suzy, Holly and Ross also feature for buckwild crazy play antics!

So yeah, a documentary about Mochi and Mimi, narrated by Dustin SoloTravelBlog. Can you think of a better combination of things right now?!

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 84


We join Arin and Danny as they try to converse with a corpse. It's funny to see them do this in the manner of salesmen.

They talk with a few of them in this manner until later where they have a funny dialogue conversation with a guy that has a bucket thing on his head.

Diablo III Part 7


We join Ross, Brian and Barry as they make fun of poor Holly for saying "dot dot" instead of "colon".

They make an IT Crowd reference here! Yeah! :D

They spend a good amount of time talking about kitchen appliances... it's just a nice cosy chat.

Endless Ocean 2 Part 11


Arin and Danny take a look at a weird map with flat earth and a bear with a conch shell or whatever they say in their funny Captain Grandpa dialogue :)

They talk about fish that freak you out and that's not a good thing to be scared of if you're playing this game! Then it's a survival horror to you!

They swim into the Mermaid's Ballroom part of the castle. Arin correctly identifies a false killer whale! Nice going :)

They identify several other fish too and see that one of them is floating right over the throne as if it's the king or something! Later on they look up shark facts. I did not know these facts myself. This game results in learning!

Sunday 13 December 2015

Pooh Water


Wow, I barely remember this. This is a live action moment from when Arin and Danny did a Game Grumps VS. of a Winnie the Pooh PlayStation game last year. They were just holding water in their mouths and making noises. Nice little bit of silliness and Suzy can be heard here too. They put it up again especially for GrumpOut. Have a look!

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 83


Arin abandons the boss and heads to the woods. Danny's ears are our ears as we all learn about what the heck is going on. Arin explains.

Danny makes good fun of the items explained during load times.

They talk about a couple of interesting things like the library of Alexandria and generations between now and the American civil war.

Diablo III Part 6


More Diabloing with Holly, Barry, Brian and Ross!

Ross gets distracted and everyone else gets bored. Poor Brian says "Spyyyder needs entertainment, badly". Nice Gauntlet reference :)

"Bumblesnapper pie? That's my favourite!" Brian says at one stage when Barry does a voice. That actually made me think it was a real pie, so I tried to Google it. Didn't find anything... I thought it was some American food obscure to me.

Endless Ocean 2 Part 10


We join Arin and Danny in the underwater sea tunnel, still hiding from the sharks. They eventually reach Valka Castle and go exploring. It's pretty interesting swimming around a fancy, historical, fairy-tale like castle that's also underwater. Gaston Gray isn't here either, so they can check out all the treasure and fish they want without him bothering them!

Arin's brother is freaking weird having a poisonous pet like that. Yeesh.

JonTron's StarCade: Episode 8 - Everything Else!


Back with Jon for more Star Wars games, this time covering ones that are slightly off the beaten path. At the start, C-3PO appears! As usual for this series, everything looks like it's produced really well!

He also covers some of the weirder Star Wars toys that have appeared over the years. Nathan J Barnatt makes an apperance too! Have a look!

It ends on a cliffhanger as well, so it looks like things have yet to be concluded.

Saturday 12 December 2015

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 82


We join Arin and Danny back at the squid faced guys. The thingy from last episode is called Ludwig the Accursed. Most of the episode is spent fighting it.

Danny talks about watching The Babadook and how terrified and moved he was from it. They discuss the movie for a while. I haven't watched it. They discuss other movies for a while.

Hmm... I haven't watched a horror movie in a good while.

Who's Your Daddy


What an amazing concept for a game. Brian and Ross take turns playing as the dad. The dad tries to stop his baby from getting killed by normal household objects and wins if he's successful. The dark twist is that the other player plays as the baby and wins if the dad loses. Pretty grim!

Brian, being the only Grump that is a dad, says this game is truer to life than one would expect! He says that to be a parent is to live in constant fear. Ross and him take turns in either role.

They have a lot of fun and Brian interviews Ross on the real life babysitting job he and Holly are going to do for Brian's daughter. Ross does his creepy baby voice too. Have a look and indulge in the madness!

At the end, Brian talks more about what it's like to be a dad when your kid is bold. He asks Ross if he'd like to be a dad. He also says he loves his daughter and gives a message for when she is older :)

Man... I wonder what things will be like when she is that age. I hope they'll still be doing stuff like Game Grumps... I hope I can blog or do something I wanna do. Man, the future is scary. I'm a few years older than Ross so the idea of having kids is scary. Gaaaaaaah.

Endless Ocean 2 Part 9


We join Arin and Danny as they go dive at the red circle on the map!

They discover a fish called a meagre. What an unfortunate name for a fish! If the adjective meagre wasn't spelled as "meager" in the U.S., they would've come up with a completely different joke I'd say!

They spend some time finding treasures that won't fit in their bag until they come across Gaston Gray again. He warns about this big shark and swims away. The big shark shows up and they have to use the pulsar to fend it off before fleeing into a tunnel. Poor Danny is petrified! Endless Ocean 2 the survival horror!

The tunnel looks like it goes somewhere and will be explored next time!

Jerry's Merry Christmas


We join Suzy for a cosy point and click Christmas adventure game from! It's about a guy named Jerry who wants to hang up some mistletoe.

To do this she must point and click all around Jerry's house. She manages to order mistletoe on the internet and obtain a hammer from an elf who came up through the toilet.

Not much progress elsewhere though and she suspects that the game is just a jokey ruse. Well... adventure games can be pretty obtuse! Who'd think of looking in the toilet except out of desperation!

Friday 11 December 2015

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 81


Nice bit of suspense from Arin and Danny before they attack the bad guys from behind with their new stunner weapon! It starts out well but... well, you'll see.

Yes Danny, I know very well! :) used to love reading that site but haven't visited in a while.

Later on, they come across a gigantic disgusting almost indescribable thing. Arin does a better job at describing it than Danny or I could: "A horse-face-dog and just like, a mouth with eyes in it."

I'm just gonna call it thingy.

Arin struggles with the thingy for a while.

Diablo III Part 5


Barry, Ross, Holly and Brian partake in some NPC dialogue before going on to the next baddie infested area.

"What's with exploding trees in RPGs?" Barry wonders. I've wondered that too actually! In the Mother series and Dragon Quest series(I think. Trying to remember) there are trees that explode. I wonder why?

The conversation goes into Dungeons and Dragons. Never played that myself but they have a few good stories about it. Have a listen!

Brian mentions he taught his daughter how to high five and fist bump. All the important things :)

A Gentle Handy - by Jae55555


Oh my goodness this is amazing! Holly and Ross feature with their dialogue from the Space Camp episode. They were playing a Wii game but she's depicted here trying to milk a cow, giving her a "gentle handy".

What I love about this one is how cheeky(yet innocent) it all is. Not just the dialogue but the animation compliments it so well! The stretchy udder, Holly's lip quiver and Ross' highly stimulated expressions. Egad! Holly and Ross' persona captures are just spot on, right down to that duck bill Ross is given or the fact that you would expect Holly to find a gold medal inside a cow.

This animation is just as much a treat for the eyes as it is the ears :)

Endless Ocean 2 Part 8


We join Arin and Danny browsing through Nancy's equipment catalogue. They dress themselves up in watermelon colours.

Some more hilariousness with voices! Danny does one about night diving gear and drooping body parts and brings it together beautifully I must say! So much in fact that Arin is absolutely tickled for several minutes!

In this episode they try night diving. It lives up to its name as it's even murkier and more mysterious. Doesn't stop the jokes coming fast and thick though!

Kitty Kat Gaming Update/Holiday Merch!


Suzy appears vlog style in this video, telling us about new Mortem3r and KittyKatGaming stuff available to buy for the holidays. She's a seasoned vlogger so she's good at this kind of stuff. Have a look if you want gift ideas!

Bloons 2 Christmas Expansion


Suzy brings us another chill Newgrounds game with a Christmas theme.

This one's about a monkey shooting arrows at balloons. All you have to do is aim with the cursor and time the power for shooting your arrows.

Flash type games are nice and relaxing. Suzy talks about how she used to play them on high school computers until they blocked them. In a place like that though, you'd hang out with your buddy at a computer and maybe take turns at the game. But it was just a nice way to hang out and watching one of our Grumps playing here kind of recreates that memory :)

Suzy shares memories of her favourite Christmas where she got Pokémon Red and a seethrough purple Game Boy Color. She also shares her worst Christmas where it was when she kept getting sick from eating too many Christmas cookies...

My best Christmases usually involved getting a game I loved and my worst ones usually involve being sick because of my turkey allergy. Other ones that were bad were when the power went out due to bad weather. Definitely not LA weather anyway!

Thursday 10 December 2015

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 80


We join Arin and Danny as they investigate the weird snail human thing. Turns out it's just dead. They go on ahead and get a new item.

They face another one of those squid faced huge guys and defeat it while talking about Game of Thrones spoilers but not actually spoiling anything.

They're gonna play Ocarina of Time at some stage! Can't wait for that :) Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess too hopefully!

They talk about a guy who composed lots of things but his backstory was that he had to become a producer in order to hire himself as a composer because he couldn't find work as a composer. That's a pretty sweet thing he managed :)

They talk about films that made them laugh, despite not being great. I actually laughed quite a bit at The Love Guru.

They end on a kind of cliff hanger where there's another big guy with its back facing them...

Diablo III Part 4


We join Barry, Brian, Holly and Ross as they take on a big cluster of skeletons.

Holly tells a couple of stories about Ross, one about cleaning their cat boxes and another one about their hawk visitor.

Barry then goes quiet while everyone else energetically discusses Star Trek The Next Generation. I'd be quiet too because I haven't seen much Star Trek. I do like it though.

Later on, Brian and Holly break into song, singing It's Raining Men!

Some decent highlights in this episode :)

Endless Ocean 2 Part 7


Back with Arin and Danny in the ocean depths. They explore more until they can't go any further so they have to go back to Nine Ball Island and talk to Nancy.

That means it's time for more funny dialogue :) it's mainly Nancy talking this time but it's still good stuff!

A Very Grumpy Christmas OUTTAKES!


Behind the scenes and outtakes from the recent Grump Christmas merchandise advert! This is essential viewing for Lovelies.

My favourite bits are when stuff is happening to poor Danny. First, Ross is doing weird stuff with him and then Brian keeps hitting him in the face with the microphone!

Infectonator! Christmas Edition - W/ Special Guest Barry Kramer!


Suzy teaches Barry about Christmas with this very festive themed game from!

So festive... In this game you use the mouse cursor to infect people with a zombie virus and then they go to attack other people. You use the money earned to enhance attributes and buy equipment. "I'm learning so much..." Barry says, who reckons he'll stick with Hanukkah. He tells us about some of the nice things they do to celebrate the holiday, none of which include zombie viruses or death!

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 79


Back with Arin and Danny as they observe that their blood soaked hunter looks like Carmen San Diego. They sing the theme song to the game show. I never watched the game show! I watched the cartoon though and absolutely loved the Macintosh System 6 game.

After this, they talk about if kids shows about learning are any good now or if they're just about pacifying kids. I think Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is kind of cool because you get to hear all the main Disney characters' voices.

Arin struggles a bit with a hunter on a bridge but eventually bests it. Afterwards this weird snail person thing falls down while they're ending the episode.

Diablo III Part 3


Holly, Ross, Brian and Barry are having such a good time with the console version of this game that they reckon it's better than the PC version.

The nicest parts of this playthrough are when Ross uses the Papyrus voice :) I also like when Brian schools everyone on something.

The best part of this episode is when they talk about the new Ash vs Evil Dead tv series. I never heard about it before now! Wow!

They continue talking about movies towards the end of the video.

Endless Ocean 2 Part 6


We join Arin and Danny as they give some funny names to the surrounding islands. They have to come up for oxygen and then go back. You don't seem to be able to explore the inside of ships in this game.

Things are definitely more mellow in this episode, though that's the effect this game has on you :)

Lots of funny confusion as to whose voice needs to be done at that point in time.



Suzy brings us into Christmas season with this themed game from Newgrounds.

It's a chilled out spot the item kind of puzzle like Where's Wally, but the theme of finding symbols of a big suspicious organisation makes things interesting.

Some of the pictures look nice, some are made to look deliberately creepy. Who is that shadowy figure trying to eat the turkey in the background?

Tuesday 8 December 2015

NSP Holiday Update!


First post about Ninja Sex Party, Danny and Brian's band! So glad I finally have a chance to post about them now and will be sure to cover them too!

This is a relaxing news video, where Danny Sexbang talks about upcoming videos. He's occasionally interrupted by the not so relaxed Ninja Brian, who gets Danny to read out his ninja holiday tips. Have a look!

Food Games (Part 2) - JonTron


More food games with JonTron. Some mascots I know but mostly from popular culture.

He reviews Pepsiman! It's a brilliant game and the review is brilliant as well :)

Fascinating stuff here and it's got that JonTron presentation, so learning about all these food games is a really fun experience!

Jacques makes a couple of brief appearances and some humans I've never seen before are here too.

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 78


We join Arin and Danny as they talk to the creatures shying away from them. Afterwards they have to deal with this giant thing with a squid tentacle face. Welcome to Bloodborne!

Danny tells a story about hugging a girl while having an awkward boner. Good story.

At one point they come across a really disgusting creature that has a giant bloated bloody sac or whatever it is. Yeesh... Welcome to Bloodborne... :/

They also talk about the chemistry between them and how well they all work together :)

I love the dynamic between them all alright and when Brian joined, you could see his schooling elder persona straight away too :)

Diablo III Part 2


Thanks to Holly, I learn what an ossuary is. It's some creepy stuff! There's also a brief clip of her sending a pigeon after Ross. We need her on more often!

Brian, Ross and Barry are here too. Ross tells a brilliant story about the time Pogs were banned in his school. Holly talks about this amazing fantasy novel she and her friend wrote when they were kids. They really should get that published! I'm gobsmacked over here!

Lots of talk here and they're just hanging out, beating baddies. It's not bad, hanging out with them like this :)

At the end of the episode they decide to end it on a synchronised roll and Ross messes it up. The banter afterwards! Aw Ross!

Endless Ocean 2 Part 5


Time for diving! Not to worry, Arin and Danny didn't leave the voices on the boat!

They dive, looking at sparkly things, finding new species and making lots of jokes about sharks killing you. You know, the usual thing! :)

Arin gives a great sturgeon a funny voice too.

At the end of the episode they come across the sunken Wreck of the Pride of Athens and will explore it in the next episode! Looking at it here makes me think of the sunken ship in Jolly Roger Bay in Super Mario 64. No giant eel though!

Will You Press The Button? Part 4


Suzy and Arin are back with more question answering! I'll put my answers here as usual.

Arin answers no to the first question. Suzy would answer no. I would answer no as well. This person would have to make an effort.

Arin answers no to the second question. Suzy would answer no. I would answer no. Sounds like some voodoo thing.

Arin answers yes to the third question. Suzy would answer yes. I would answer yes. Good example of a game world from Arin there :)

Arin answers no to the fourth question. Suzy would answer no. I would answer no as well. Don't really care to remember every single thing.

Arin answers no to the fifth question. Suzy would answer yes. I would answer yes. Time control sounds cool.

Arin answers no to the sixth question. Suzy would answer no. I would answer no as well. Stupid dragon question.

Arin answers no to the seventh question. Suzy would answer no. I would answer no as well unless I could learn how do something otherwise.

Arin answers yes to the eighth question. Suzy would answer yes. I would answer yes as well. Who would say no?

Arin answers no to the ninth question. Suzy would answer no. I would answer no as well. I'd hate for them to be my boss.

Monday 7 December 2015

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 77


Whoa, Arin and Danny came all the way back to Bloodborne! This is my first post about it. Never thought I would see it again though. This time it's the DLC called The Old Hunters.

Anyway, it's back to tumbling through pots and having fun :) and this is where this game is better than say, Dragon Quest VIII. Bold statement right? But in Dragon Quest VIII the only way you could break pots was to slowly lift up one and throw it down before moving on to the next. Two button presses and full animation for each one. Here you just tear through a bunch of them by rolling into them once and it looks a lot more fun.

In this world, you face a load of other hunters everywhere. There's an amazing impromptu joke later on about a weapon called the "Beast Cutter". Check it out!

Diablo III Part 1


First post about Diablo III and Commander Holly! I should watch her channel sometime. I have no idea if they're playing this on Xbox 360 or Xbox One.

Ross is in his element here. I'm not really as I never played Diablo. Brian is a long time fan of the series too and Holly and Barry like the games also.

They chatter about various things, including stuff about accents at one point, even the Irish accent!

Ross talks about finding a trilobite fossil. He throws in a bit of his Papyrus voice from the Undertale playthrough as well :) he's really happy right now!

Best of Game Grumps - November 2015


Wow, it felt like ages ago since they played Link Between Worlds! Nice moment from the game though :)

Oh my gosh, that freaking red door from Super Mario Maker. Oh, the "You're a FREAK!" moment is here too!

Plus that moment where Danny said he loved us :) Nice to hear it repeated!

Small recap of Brian's introduction at the end too, where he mistakes Kevin for Gavin. (Who's Gavin?)

Endless Ocean 2 Part 4


It's time for Arin and Danny to take the boat! They don't want to though, they just wanna keep doing the voices! Oh well, plenty of fun to be had along the way anyway. Plus, Captain Grandpa is coming too!

How would I describe the voice Danny gives him? A mixture between Strong Bad and Master Tang? It's brilliant and continues to make me laugh my head off :)

They head out to the Aegean Sea in the Mediterranean. Some guy named Gaston Gray shows up on their boat and Arin has trouble staying with the same voice for him. Too many voices to do! Never too many laughs though :)

After some more talking, they get ready for diving. It'll all start in the next episode!

Super Mario Maker Part 43


Arin and Danny continue their trials in "The Companion Shell" level by VollKorn.

Danny opens with a brief slurp of his delicious drink. He thanks us for the support we gave him when they did that episode of Mario Galaxy where he was exhausted. I remember blogging about it; it was episode 73 and yeah... continue to take care of yourselves guys :)

They talk about Amanda Bynes and how much they love her. Oh man... I agree wholeheartedly. Her talent! My goodness, it's one of a kind. She worked so hard on her entertainment and I've never seen anyone like her before or since. She is without peer, which is bold of me to say, but it's obvious she knows how to work really hard. Whatever her next project is, she'll be great. She'll apply what she's learned during her downtime! Maybe someday we'll see an "Executive Producer" credit from her on something.

So, Arin finally finishes the level, which is accompanied by the flame cannons going off like some celebration. Good feelings all around and it becomes one of their favourite stages. Arin draws up a Miiverse comment expressing how awestruck the level made them. Many other comments of praise from players too!

They finish up the episode, saying they'll be back later with more levels.

Sunday 6 December 2015

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Part 7


Barry opens the episode in the Dark reading the sombre prose the game last wrote to us, then Brian chirpily welcomes us back to Steam Train and adds some of his own sombre lines that he just wrote.

Eventually, the darkness clears and they come to the War Chamber, which has a red tone. Many important decisions are to be made here, such as deciding whether to "Take all" or "Take awl" and making sure the apostrophe is in the correct place. Pretty dangerous stuff here if you're not careful!

Brian tests Ross on his intermediate compass directions and Ross passes with flying colours! Brian tests more on Hitchhiker's trivia. I like this teacher side of him!

He even introduces more Math Grumps! Towards the end of the video, they improvise a classroom situation starring Professor Wecht and the two students. It is so funny, it would make a great Math Grumps Animated!

A Very Grumpy Christmas


First post about Game Grumps merchandise!(I think. I'll make a label anyway) Anyway, they always accompany these videos with wonderful and hilarious live action skits which make them worth watching!

Poor Arin's all grumpy about Christmas so Suzy gets Danny, Ross, Barry, Kevin and Brian all together to try and cheer him up. The narration is subtitled too, which is a nice touch.

The merchandise on offer includes t-shirts and stationery, which are detailed towards the end of the video.

I think this is Brian's first appearance on a merchandise video too, though I'm not sure. That looks like him on one of the posters as well.

Endless Ocean 2 Part 3


The funny dialogue continues with Danny and Arin! Nancy comes along too and Arin gives her a voice similar to Ocelot from the recent MGSV playthrough on KittyKatGaming.

I'm delighted to say it doesn't get any less funnier! This and the last episode are all funny dialogue and make for essential viewing!

"I am so happy we're doing this, dude!" Danny says at the end slate. So am I, Danny. So am I. :)

There's a link in the end slate to some game promo appearance Arin made at GameSpot. Might have a look at it later.

Saturday 5 December 2015

Super Mario Maker Part 42


Arin and Danny continue their puzzle solving endeavour in "The Companion Shell" level by VollKorn. It's got staying power!

They talk about trading card games. It all goes way over my head as I never played those games before. The closest I ever got was getting a free Pokémon card on going to see the first Pokémon movie in the cinema.

After many trials and errors, Arin has a brainwave. It comes to the end of the episode though, so we'll get a fresh start next time!

VollKorn, your legacy continues!

By the way, I never watched Death Proof. They talked about it a bit in this episode. I'm looking forward to Hateful Eight though! :)

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Part 6


Back with Ross and Barry! Brian's here too but he's just gonna chill for a while, leaving Barry and Ross at the helm. It doesn't last though as Brian has to come back after a "hot tub" comment.

They come into another situation with limited turns before disaster will happen. Ross gets to save again and Brian gets to school them again. He's like the dad of the show isn't he? :)

They come to a point where they have to restore and they have a bit of trouble but pull through.

Brian brings another session of Math Grumps and Ross talks about this amazingly named ice cream from Australia called Golden Gaytime, which becomes a hot topic for a few moments. I never heard of it myself!

The episode ends in the Dark, just like many of the other ones!

Endless Ocean 2 Part 2


WOW! How long ago has it been since they played this?! Great to see it back! Nice to take a break from elevator zombies too.

Danny is in absolute top form for this episode :) he reads the captain's dialogue and makes tons of jokes while reading! Arin's hilarious too.

Smiles all around! What else would you expect from a Wii game?

My goodness, it is just joke overload! They can't even end the episode properly with all the jokes they're bringing! Go watch it! I had to watch it twice already! Well done guys, well done!

I Am Bread W/ Special Guest Egoraptor


We join Suzy and Arin as they play an update to I Am Bread. Instead of a slice of bread they play as a goat corpse with a long tongue and a floppy body wriggling around the place, breaking into things for points.

Sometimes there's a fever and multipliers with a chance to score extra points.

Kind of a cosy low energy session but they bring some excitement when they lauch the goat into a stack of plates now and again.

Friday 4 December 2015

Super Mario Maker Part 41


Back with Arin and Danny as they continue "The Companion Shell" level by VollKorn.

Arin says there's a surprise regarding Pokémon FireRed. Looking forward to seeing what it is :)

He's in awe of this level and jealous of VollKorn's skill. It's a pretty good puzzle to be doing alright. Quite cerebral and they're having a good time figuring stuff out.

Danny talks about George Carlin's routine Stuff and recommends watching it, so I paused and had a look. Never watched him before but he's pretty good!

Lots of head-scratching and cases of almost making it but not quite for the rest of the episode. Danny's not the only one emotionally invested in this level, I'd say all us Lovelies are too!

They eventually have to end the episode but surely they'll be able to solve it in the next one! So much progress has been made and it's only getting more exciting. This level works :)

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Part 5


Brian declares it Math Grumps! Barry and him have a good time solving stuff but poor Ross is checked out.

There's a part where they have to deal with a beast which is quite interesting. Brian is reading stuff out and tries to engage Ross by testing him like a teacher would. It's quite nice :)

They manage to trick the beast and head to another Dark place. They have to use another sense and come to in a golden room similar to before.

I'm starting to see a good bit of structure to this game now. It's kind of fun :)

Dead Rising Part 27


Back with Arin and Danny and yet more elevator zombies. Arin begins the episode by singing the Mortal Kombat remix.

Any notion of the mask being Firebrand is now out the window! He's the Wap Goblin now!

My favourite part of this episode is when they save by going to sleep as the Wap Goblin and go *snore*wapwapwapwapwap.

Pass the Mustard, Batman - by Zone-Sama


Another of my favourite Grump moments animated! It's when Arin and Danny were playing Pokémon FireRed and came up with a what if scenario where Morgan Freeman's character from the Nolan Batman movies keeps blowing Bruce Wayne's identity by calling him Batman in every day situations. It's brilliant!

This cartoon by Zone-Sama is fun and I like the way Morgan Freeman is doing the coughing.

If you like this, EMMANIMATED made a brilliant adaptation of this too called Batman and Morgan, which also includes the post office scenario.

Purring Quest Part 1


We join Suzy and Arin for a new series! The story opens on a bit of a downer.

But hey it's a nicely animated 2D platformer starring a cat! How purrfect for KittyKatGaming! The first level takes place in a graveyard.

Suzy navigates the tutorial somewhat clumsily. Then Arin navigates it clumsily. I'm trying to imagine what it's like to control a game like that. My fingers are so cold right now all I can think is how bad it would be trying to control it with those keyboard keys instead of a controller.

The music is fitting but kind of like DVD menu looping music.

They meet a black cat and have a chat with it. They then come across a section where they climb some wall vines. It looks really cute and funny seeing the cat climb sideways! Another cute thing is the position it holds itself in when it's getting ready to jump at something. Arin gets used to the platforming and it does look solid enough.

There are big mean looking dogs up ahead too and so they have to take care here, hiding behind grave stones stealthily.

Could be a nice series :)

Thursday 3 December 2015

Super Mario Maker Part 40


Back with Arin and Danny as they explore the "Spoopy Ghost House" level by TheWispGuy.

They talk about music and albums and what are albums anymore really! I do remember the buying decisions I had to make with regards to albums though. Some gambles but it usually paid off.

There's a part near the end where it goes into automatic Mario and Arin likes it, saying it's like a reward for doing a challenging level. I agree with him wholeheartedly :)

The level even waves you goodbye at the end. What a nice level :) Commenter Krakki knows what's up!

Arin reveals the origin of the word "spoopy". I learned something new today! I thought it was an amalgamation!

The next and final level they play is "The Companion Shell" by VollKorn.

It's a puzzle level where you carry a koopa shell all the way through and use it to solve puzzles and reveal a path. It's quite clever! VollKorn makes Danny think of voltorb from Pokémon and they talk briefly about their Pokémon playthrough. Maybe they'll come back to it someday!

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Part 4


"Don't Panic!" exclaims Barry. Brian and Ross join him in the Dark again.

I watched the trailer for the new Dad's Army movie by the way. I never watched the show and not sure if I'll like the movie or not. If it's like another Monuments Men then I won't bother, but I don't think it'll be quite like that.

Barry and Ross rack Brian's physics brain for knowledge. Afterwards they get on board another ship and Ross is back on save naming duty :)

They come across a word that has a specific pronunciation and then talk about funny place names.

At the end of the episode Ross glumly says "I was also here on this episode". Poor guy. Brian and Barry are the big Hitchhiker fans here so they're in their element chatting to each other about the game like it's an episode of Knightmare. But hey, Ross adds something good to the dynamic too. Plus, the funny save naming is an invaluable skill!

Dead Rising Part 26


We join Arin and Danny outside the mall in the dark with the sound of crickets chirping. They go back in.

The mask looks really weird during that cut scene where they're rescuing Isabela. You know, I don't think it's Firebrand. Looking him up, it doesn't look like he has horns. Oh well.

It's back through the stupid elevator again and back to the security room. Many more jokes are had here during the cutscene before the episode ends. Check it out!

Will You Press The Button? Part 3


Arin joins Suzy for the questioning and button pressing! I'll post my own answers here as usual. Questions are in the video! Arin's doing the button pressing this time.

Suzy would say no to the first question. Arin answers with a no. I would say yes. It's another immortality question!

Suzy would say yes to the second question. Arin answers with a yes. I would say yes. Could be worse! Could be U2.

Suzy would say no to the third question. Arin answers with a no. I would say no. I like the month names the way they are.

Suzy laughs her head off at the fourth question. Arin answers with a no. I would say no too for the same reasons. It is pretty funny though :)

Suzy would say no to the fifth question. Arin answers with a no. I would say no but not for the exact same reasons.

Suzy already answered the sixth question. Arin answers with a no. I already answered too.

I didn't get what Suzy would say to the seventh question. Arin answers with a no. I would say yes and then fix the cacti problem. Creatures of conflict huh? hmm...

Suzy would say yes to the eighth question. Arin answers with a yes. I would say no unless it was a Katamari or something.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Super Mario Maker Part 39


Back with Arin and Danny as they try to figure out the "Seekers of the Shroom" level by Brian.

They talk about ASMRish sounds where they get all nostalgic from when they were younger and friends they have or don't have since kindergarten, also general life stuff and about being in 20s and 30s.

Danny takes a turn as well to play. He does ok but has to give it back to Arin.

Arin says they gotta do a Metal Gear Solid 1 playthrough! Yay! I would love that so much!

Arin eventually reaches the end of the stage, after much trolling and tricking and super mushroom tempting. He gives the stage a nice comment and moves on to the next stage: "Spoopy Ghost House" by TheWispGuy.

Someone named Ludo compiled this list of stages and did other cool stuff too like the Game Grumps Community Celebration Art Book. Danny's in awe of him and I am too... What the heck will this blog be good for?! I dunno... Anyway, Danny says a humble little line that would make anyone smile and beam! Check it out!

This stage looks awesome so far and just like Castlevania with the long Gothic looking church windows! We'll see more of it in the next episode!

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Part 3


Back with Brian, Barry and Ross! Brian crack opens an ice tea.

They try and figure out what items to use for the cleaning robot sequence.

They eventually get threatened with poetry. Brian knows it so well he tries to guess the next line in the verse! He kicks himself for not remembering the word "gabbleblotchits". Personally, I think he's being a bit harsh on himself.

Later on they try to manage their load as well as they can before they get thrown out. Brian gets to name another save!

Eventually they're thrust into Dark again and the episode ends with typing in a hashtag and a "Next time on Steam Train" preview into the command line.

Dead Rising Part 25


Back with Arin and Danny! Arin talks about some old McDonald's commercials. Danny interrupts and asks if the slogan was that "he had a farm". Nice. :)

A cutscene pops up with a family of snipers; a father and his two sons.

They go into a toy store and wear a demon head mask, replacing their fedora. Is it Firebrand from Gargoyle's Quest?

They meet an old guy in an antique shop and talk to him for a while. He has some sad things to say... then they get shot at by the sniper family so they head out and attack them head on.

They quickly WAP! Roger and Jack but have some trouble with Thomas, who keeps running away. They eventually take care of him with his next of kin's sniper rifle.

Afterwards they hurry to the next mission before time runs out.

Will You Press The Button? Part 2


Back with Suzy for more button questions! Welcome back for my own answers too! Questions are in the video. Go watch!

Suzy answers the first with a no but meant to say yes. I say no because I'm not that interested in Star Wars.

Suzy answers the second with a yes. I wouldn't because I don't want to be that way anyway. Not everything is for social reasons.

Suzy answers the third with a no. I would say yes, though that is a gruesome consequence.

Suzy answers the fourth with a no. What's a muggle?

Suzy answers the fifth with a no. No for me too for similar reasons!

Suzy answers the sixth with a no. No for me too. Stupid devil deal.

Suzy answers the seventh with a no. I would say yes. There's going to be weird people anyway.

Suzy answers the eighth with a yes. I think I would too, but I don't know what bands I'd pick.

Suzy answers the ninth with a no. I say no too because I don't drink coffee.

Suzy answers the tenth with a no. What's a "living" plane? Could I turn back?

Suzy answers the eleventh with a no. I say no too because I don't want pothead symptoms.

Suzy answers the twelfth with a no. I say no too because I don't drink.

Suzy answers the thirteenth with a yes. I'll say no if I can draw something from the imaginations of other people.

Suzy answers the fourteenth with a yes. I don't know much about Narnia so no.

Suzy answers the fifteenth with a yes. I'll say yes too. Similar to another question.

Suzy answers the sixteenth with a yes. I'll say yes too, agreeing with her on the bill paying thing.

Suzy answers the seventeenth with a no. I don't believe it'll be more painful so yes.

Suzy answers the eighteenth with a yes. I say yes too if society's ugly judgement of their looks was different to mine!

Suzy answers the nineteenth with a no. A random guy? Naaah.

Suzy answers the twentieth with a no. Another oxymoron question about immortality lol.

Suzy answers the twenty-first with a no. I say no because I like eating too.

Suzy answers the twenty-second with a yes. This scenario doesn't sound objectionable in itself but I don't care.

Suzy answers the twenty-third with a no. I say no too. What if the college was bad?

Suzy answers the twenty-fourth with a yes. I wouldn't want it to be painful.

Super Mario Maker Part 38


Back with Danny and Arin doing the ""P" Is For "Provide"" level by John.

They greet us with funny German voices and play through the level. At the end a software update message pops up onscreen. Ahh modern day gaming! It's Software Update Grumps!

It's a pity they couldn't give feedback for the level, since online game activity is completely halted until you update it. They chat with us while they update and Danny talks about YouTube Analytics.

After they update they do the "Seekers of the Shroom" level by Brian. Not fellow Grump Brian though!

At the start of the level, the end is right there but it's obscured by blocks. You have to go underground to find a mushroom to get big enough to break them. Neat idea!

While exploring they come up with a name for guys who sleep around and how going for an STD check sucks but it's something that must be done. Looking around for a mushroom they find many fiery piranha plants. Towards the end of the video, Arin tries this impossible looking way to climb. Guess we'll find out next episode if that's the right way or not.

Tuesday 1 December 2015

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Part 2


We rejoin Brian, Ross and Barry in the Dark. They wonder if they're in space... While trying to figure things out, they talk about time travel and the darkest places they've ever been (not emotionally). Pretty interesting stuff.

They come to and decide to save. Barry notes that there's something they forgot on Earth so they have to restore a previous save. I'm glad he knows what's up because there's absolutely no way you could've known that earlier... Anyway they quickly make their way back to the latest point and now Brian gets a chance at naming a save!

More exposition and Ross reads out alien dialogue very nicely.

The "Don't panic" phrase makes me remember the movie poster I saw recently for Dad's Army. Must look that up later. It's got Bill Nighy in it!

The guide they look up has some astronomical consequences... :/ wow.

There's a bunch of stuff they have to do here but get captured before they manage to finish so they'll have to restore again. That's in the next episode though!