Thursday 4 August 2016



Arin and Danny face Claarff again for the finale!

Danny had chess as a subject in high school? Wow. How do you get an A? Is it if you win?

Off to a rocky start but this time it's Claarff struggling with the items! His full restores couldn't outlast Mr. Mart's Surf move!

Also, Alakazam was defeated in one move. Gah!

Buntd, does a bold move and it results in a poisoning and the inevitable victory! They have finally beaten the game and seen this through! Yay!

Professor Oak shows up. Remember all that time ago when he was the first character they met and he was all about defecating in his pants? After 119 episodes, it seems he's finally gotten over that problem!

Hoo boy, I remember from levelling up my Pokémon to 100 that when you go back to the game you can face the Elite Four again and the rival just to level up.

Wonderful epilogue commentary from Arin and Danny :) Arin lists out the Pokémon games he wants to get started on... Is he nuts? Also, why didn't he mention Crystal? You can play as a girl in that.

So many memories of this playthrough... Just look at all the Game Grumps Animated cartoons that came out of the episodes from years ago! I'm glad they got to wrap this up :) I wasn't demanding they did but I understand it was a popular request!

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