Friday 9 September 2016

6969 - NSP, MY REVIEW!


Ninja Brian is happily meditating in his room when Danny Sexbang casually walks in and invites him to try out his awesome time machine space ship. They'll have to come back to the part before they wreck the house while going into orbit!

Arin's the narrator and plays as the evil dictator of the sexless future.

This spaceship in orbit is awesome! Flying around and the music it reminds me of Galaxy High. Ninja Brian's dressed a lot like Kick-Ass and Danny's dancing and slipping around hilariously on his "Space Lube" :)

Absolutely love the Holo-Deck where Danny's frolicking around with girls and velcro underpants until Ninja Brian switches it off into the cool grid effect thing. Some fantastic detail here, like the "BooberTime" instead of BurgerTime arcade cabinet.

So yeah after some sexy trekking, they travel to the year 6969 where everyone gets laid and there's sure to be unicorns, delicious desserts and orgies everywhere! But then, Oh no! It's a dystopian sexless future where human touch is outlawed!

"Without the thrill of boning, what is life?" our heroes ask themselves. A very real question we can all ask ourselves in real life too.

They go to the Council Of Dick Elders to speak up about this problem but then it all goes horribly wrong when it's revealed they're behind this evil sexless future! They're played by Arin, Kevin, Barry and Ross. Danny and Ninja Brian flee to their space ship time machine and "get ready for a sexy fight!" with Danny's "Sparkle Of Hope!".

Danny's space suit reminds me a bit of Samus Aran's Zero Suit. I like the evil council's spiky shoulder pads too!

NSP locate a hot girl and Danny beams down in his super NSP costume and cape and gets ready to save her and the Earth from a sexless loveless future! The girl is rescued along with her friends because Danny's the hero that's why! I like the stunt dummy Danny that had to be used. It's a very dangerous job after all, taking on and liberating thousands of years of sexual repression!

Markiplier appears as a news reporter reporting on this end of the world orgy that is now spreading. Maybe we can write an essay on how this is a metaphor for YouTube bringing in all rules and stuff? Media trying to control the masses? Could be something there :)

The unconvinced evil council then strike back and exciting battling follows. Though brief, because Ninja Brian makes short work of every single one of them!

The new world becomes beautiful, with dreamy starry pink skies, flowers everywhere and everyone is happy and dancing! Their job done, Danny entrusts the future to the hot girl he saved before leaving for his own time. Very Chrono Trigger-esque story where they travel to the future to save it!

As they leave, a giant pile of dominoes in the pattern of the year 6969 are tumbled. The future is saved and our heroes go home!

So yeah, who wouldn't love this Chrono Trigger-like story about awesome dudes having fun flying through space, time travelling and frolicking in the Holo-Deck and end up having to save the sexy future of the world? Reminds me of the storytelling nature of Tenacious D's "City Hall" where "we will all travel in tubes!".

About the credits, I haven't blog labels made for everyone unfortunately but they all did a great job together.

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