Tuesday 20 September 2016


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HfPJUFHpls

Arin corrects Danny's grammar by repeating the exact same correct thing Danny said!

They do much better at this one and pass this heat challenge! Woo!

It is kinda weird how Shy Guys are Mario canon, yet Mario dreamed them up. Then again... if you wanna be all chronological; when Mario was a baby on Yoshi's back, there were Shy Guys all over the place... on stilts even!

They talk about actively listening to music. That is, sitting down with headphones and doing nothing else besides listening, instead of having it in the background while doing something else. I always like this kind of thing. Further discussion about how we're all multitaskey would get you thinking about simplification.

Danny in particular reflects on how right now is a really exciting time in their lives and maybe sometimes they try to do too much at once. I remember how exhausted he was during Super Mario Galaxy alright...

Again, this kind of discussion is going on while Arin is rolling up the whole world, land masses and all. I love this show.

So yeah, Japanese lore has a catfish carrying the world, or at least Japan and Hindu lore has a big ol' turtle carrying the world. Arin imagines him wearing an astronaut helmet and being named "Carl" :3

They talk a bit about keeping personal lives personal and private and stuff and that's cool.

After rolling up the world, they zoom off into space! Space, gathering stars and dust and bits of meteors and stuff on the rings of planets and everything! Makes them all sparkly and awesome looking! The rumble feature is going nuts in the controller too!

They roll up the centre of the universe and finally, the snoozing king!

Nice little cutscene follows. Almost at the end of the game!

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