Friday 23 September 2016



Arin and Danny appear before the episode in another promo about Game Grumps Live! They're only addressing Real Doll owners though... like Vernon! Vernon responds by shaking the camera side to side as he's filming this! Omg this promo is long and so funny! Love when Danny says "lovely fan butts" and they way they go on to describe more delicious show times. Great promo and there's more to come! Yay!

Arin and Danny begin with one of Danny's all time classic quotes, this one from 2016!

Ah, nice pattern for the trampoline things in the shape of GG for Game Grumps :)

Danny gives a shout-out to a comic called Steve Lichman by Dave Rapoza and Dan Warren. I know the monster "Lich" from games like Final Fantasy and Mystic Quest/Final Fantasy Adventure. I paused the video to check it out and there's a preview for the comic. I read the whole 60 page preview and it is freaking amazing :) such a clever idea! Thanks for the recommendation Danny!

By the way, the vampire and Lich are bosses in the same dungeon from Final Fantasy... is that a coincidence? Actually, one amazing coincidence is that I recently played through that dungeon in the game! I talked about it in my video game diary blog, which you can check out on my Blogger profile!

Poor Danny trying to hit that sun/moon switch! All the while Arin cleans up around the board with the enemies but then has almost as much trouble! But then, Danny's big risk pays off and... hoo boy! There is seething! Much seething!

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