Friday 16 September 2016



YES! YES! Barry and Ross are finally playing EarthBound and this episode is on Undertale's first anniversary too!

Poor Ross. EarthBound and many other SNES rpgs didn't come out here or in Australia in the 90s.

Lots of fun naming the characters here and Holly and Dan's names come up in the built in names. Poo is a fun enough name so they leave that as it is. Other fun names in here include Splot for Ness, Pallf for Paula, Dick for Jeff, Doggo for the dog, penis for favourite food and Ross as the coolest thing. That's gonna be interesting later in the playthrough!

Do they say "Doggo" instead of "Doggie" in Australia? Just curious.

Barry's a big fan of EarthBound and is very enthusiastic about this playthrough! I think he'll make it a good series with Ross too of course. He is the coolest thing in their savegame after all!

Oh I get it now, Eagleland is called so because of the American eagle. Didn't really cop that before.

Oh man... the voices. Ross comes up with some doozy ones, like the East European one for the mom and the not-very-healthy sounding Doggo. The police all have great voices!

Must be tough for them reading the text on a screen it wasn't designed for.

Wow I never read Lier X. Agerate's name out loud before! How about that!

"Work to exhaustion when you're young" is a very weird saying alright...

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