Friday 9 September 2016



I was saying how Suzy and Arin kicked off the Halloween season early with Minds Eyes today, but this series has been going on since August! I guess I think of this more as a weird detective mystery type of thing than as a Halloween thing, but it's still appropriate. Halloween's about having a laugh at weird stuff too.

One of the nice guys of SuperMega gives a message about the game audio before this episode. Also, I never noticed in the thumbnail how the main character has duct tape over his mouth! Took me long enough to notice!

Arin and Danny go into another driving sequence road trip in stormy weather with raindrop effects on the windscreen.

I guess "unsub" would be a scary killer to a YouTuber.

Ahh... Danny says this is what it's like to be driving with him and Arin through the rain. I like this idea as a simulator :), trying to stop for dandelions and stuff. It is funny too with the crashing around while the characters are having a serious conversation.

The other characters aren't allowed inside the building by the main character and they have this conversation out in the rain. What is with these characters and their love of standing out in the rain? Couldn't they talk inside the car?

The red cobwebs and zombies are back. Lots of bang bang bang with the gun too. Nice of them to put springy sound effects at one point. Bit of variety :)

Love their eureka moment at the end with their long synchronised "ohhhhhhhhhh". Danny going "hhhhhhhhhuuuuuooppp!" reminds me of Rockafeller Skank by Fatboy Slim!

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